
Showing total 22 results
22 results

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1. The ambiguity of US foreign policy towards Africa.

2. Maturing Sino-Africa relations.

3. Dance of Orientalisms and waves of catastrophes: culturalism and pragmatism in imperial approaches to Islam and the Middle East.

4. The Eclipse of Arab Authoritarianism and the Challenge of Popular Sovereignty.

5. Is global inequality getting better or worse? A critique of the World Bank’s convergence narrative.

6. Why ‘Uganda’s anti-homosexuality bill’? Rethinking the ‘coherent’ state.

7. Conceptualising and testing the ‘emerging regional power’ of Turkey in the shifting ınternational order.

8. The European Commission’s implementation of budget support and the Governance Incentive Tranche in Ethiopia: democracy promoter or developmental donor?

9. Green Dreams: Myth and Reality in China’s Agricultural Investment in Africa.

10. Twenty-first century developmental states? Argentina under the Kirchners.

11. The developmental state of the twenty-first century: accounting for state and society.

12. Media development in Syria: the Janus-faced nature of foreign aid assistance.

13. European Union anti-piracy initiatives in the Horn of Africa: linking land-based counter-piracy with maritime security and regional development.

14. Iran and Turkey: not quite enemies but less than friends.

15. Decolonisation, dignity and development aid: a judicial education experience in Palestine.

16. The paradoxes of the ‘everyday’: scrutinising the local turn in peace building.

17. The revolt against the West: intervention and sovereignty.

18. Bolsa Família and democracy in Brazil.

19. Peace building and the depoliticisation of civil society: Sierra Leone 2002–13.

20. The social foundations of global production networks: towards a global political economy of child labour.

21. The extraterritorial dimensions of biofuel policies and the politics of scale: live and let die?

22. ‘Donors go home’: non-traditional state actors and the creation of development space in Zambia.