
Showing total 18 results
18 results

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1. A tighter relation between sensitivity complexity and certificate complexity.

2. Simplified small exponent test for batch verification.

3. On Lazy Bin Covering and Packing problems

4. Maximal width learning of binary functions

5. Termination of narrowing revisited

6. On-the-fly model checking for time Petri nets

7. The complexity of Tarski’s fixed point theorem

8. Spanners for bounded tree-length graphs

9. Ranking k maximum sums

10. The maximum agreement forest problem: Approximation algorithms and computational experiments

11. Using interval arithmetic to prove that a set is path-connected

12. An analysis of the LPT algorithm for the max–min and the min–ratio partition problems

13. A loopless algorithm for generating the permutations of a multiset

14. On the complexity of finding common approximate substrings

15. Constructions of generalized superimposed codes with applications to group testing and conflict resolution in multiple access channels

16. Linear time analysis of properties of conflict-free and general Petri nets

17. Reconstruction of convex lattice sets from tomographic projections in quartic time

18. Reconstructing hv-convex multi-coloured polyominoes