
Showing total 31 results
31 results

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1. Algorithms for diameters of unicycle graphs and diameter-optimally augmenting trees.

2. A linear time algorithm for the r-gathering problem on the line.

3. Smallest number of vertices in a 2-arc-strong digraph without good pairs.

4. Almost optimal algorithms for diameter-optimally augmenting trees.

5. Computing the longest common almost-increasing subsequence.

6. A simple linear time algorithm to solve the MIST problem on interval graphs.

7. Algorithms for covering multiple barriers.

8. Linear-space S-table algorithms for the longest common subsequence problem.

9. An efficient algorithm for the longest common palindromic subsequence problem.

10. A new algorithm for computing the nearest polynomial to multiple given polynomials via weighted ℓ2,q-norm minimization and its complex extension.

11. Contention-related crash failures: Definitions, agreement algorithms, and impossibility results.

12. Minimizing total interference in asymmetric sensor networks.

13. On synchronization and orientation in distributed barrier coverage with relocatable sensors.

14. A probabilistic algorithm for vertex cover.

15. Tight bound on mobile Byzantine Agreement.

16. Taxi-sharing: Parameterized complexity and approximability of the dial-a-ride problem with money as an incentive.

17. An exact exponential branch-and-merge algorithm for the single machine total tardiness problem.

18. An improved fixed-parameter algorithm for 2-Club Cluster Edge Deletion.

19. The Voting algorithm is robust to various noise models.

20. Graph editing problems with extended regularity constraints.

21. An improved electromagnetism-like algorithm for numerical optimization.

22. Kernelization complexity of possible winner and coalitional manipulation problems in voting.

23. Improved parameterized and exact algorithms for cut problems on trees.

24. Algorithms for fair partitioning of convex polygons.

25. Two paths location of a tree with positive or negative weights.

26. Good spanning trees in graph drawing.

27. Parameterized complexity analysis for the Closest String with Wildcards problem.

28. Efficient algorithms for the one-dimensional k-center problem.

29. Linear time algorithms for weighted offensive and powerful alliances in trees.

30. The swap matching problem revisited.

31. Corrigendum to “Parameterized tractability of the maximum-duo preservation string mapping problem” [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 646 (2016) 16–25].