Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to determine the vibrational energy relaxation rates for C–H,D,T stretches on hydrogen-, deuterium-, and tritium-terminated H,D,T/C(111) and H,D,T/C(110) diamond surfaces at high temperatures based on the Bloch–Redfield theory and the calculated power spectra of fluctuating force along C–H,D,T stretches. The lifetime of C–H stretches on H/(110) surfaces at room temperature was found to be 0.8 ps, which is much shorter than the calculated lifetime of 30 ps on a H/C(111) surface attributed to 1:3 resonance. This is due to the blueshift of the 1:2 resonance domain in the force power spectra for a H/C(110) surface. The lifetimes of C–H stretches on a H/C(110) surface and C–D,T stretches on both D,T/C(111) and D,T/C(110) surfaces, which all undergo 1:2 resonance energy relaxation, are all on the time scale of tenths of a picosecond at room temperature and are approximately inversely proportional to the square of the temperature at high temperatures. For C–H stret...