This documentary project on Italian colonialism began in 2009, with the goal of developing ‘La quarta via’, an oral tale by the Italian writer of Somali origins Kaha Mohamed Aden, into a film (Fig. 1). This tale narrates the story of Kaha’s birthplace, Mogadishu, which has been destroyed by an ongoing civil war. Kaha chose to use oral narration to build a space of dialogue that could be collectively discussed and re-elaborated. As this story contributes powerfully to the telling of Italian colonialism from the perspective of colonized subjects, I asked Kaha to collaborate in developing her work into a documentary. Three documentary makers — Ermanno Guida, Graziano Chiscuzzu, and Isacco Chiaf — offered their technical knowledge and means to the independent project. A preliminary version of the documentary was assembled after three days of shooting, in order to evaluate its reception. Due to the scarcity of films on Italian