In this paper we show that the presence of structure noise, shading and vignetting limits the low-contrast performance of radiological imaging systems which incorporate an X-ray image intensifier. As these imperfections are reproduced exactly at each exposure they are eliminated, along with the patient's background anatomy, during digital subtraction angiography. We have developed an imaging algorithm, based on the digital subtraction technique, which eliminates systematic imperfections from grey-scale (radiographic) images. Preliminary studies indicate that this algorithm, which we call “digital greyscale fluorography” (DGF), offers new opportunities to apply digital imaging techniques in classical radiography.A radiologist's ability to discriminate low-contrast lesions is limited by, among other factors, the power of the noise in the diagnostic image. If a single static image is recorded via a digital X-ray image intensifier television system, four sources of noise can be identified: X-ray quantum mottle, electronic noise arising within the television channel, noise arising from the digitisation process and fixed-pattern or structure noise (Hay & Cowen, 1981). Structure noise arises from localised and generalised inhomogeneities in the sensitivity of the various image transfer processes within the X-ray image intensifier and in the photoconductive target layer of the television camera tube. In addition, vignetting and irregular shading due to the radiation field and the coupling optics introduce a powerful contribution of low spatial frequency noise that limits the degree to which it is possible to take advantage of display windowing techniques.