
Showing total 58 results
58 results

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1. Variations on a Theme in Paper Folding

2. Lattice Polygons and the Number 2i + 7

3. Why a Population Converges to Stability

4. Ramanujan's Series for 1/π: A Survey

5. The Constructive Mathematics of A. A. Markov

6. The Forced Damped Pendulum: Chaos, Complication and Control

7. Football Pools—A Game for Mathematicians

8. Adding Distinct Congruence Classes Modulo a Prime

9. An Abstract Algebra Story

10. Enhanced Linking Numbers

11. Kleinian Transformation Geometry

12. The Duty of Exposition with Special Reference to the Cauchy-Heaviside Expansion Theorem

13. Local Linear Dependence and the Vanishing of the Wronskian

14. Factorizations of Algebraic Integers, Block Monoids, and Additive Number Theory

15. Almost All Integer Matrices Have No Integer Eigenvalues

16. A New Look at the So-Called Trammel of Archimedes

17. Venn Symmetry and Prime Numbers: A Seductive Proof Revisited

18. A Strong Version of Liouville's Theorem

19. Edge Detection Using Fourier Coefficients

20. Sudoku, Gerechte Designs, Resolutions, Affine Space, Spreads, Reguli, and Hamming Codes

21. On a Certain Lie Algebra Defined by a Finite Group

22. A Simple Example of a New Class of Landen Transformations

23. Recovering a Function from a Dini Derivative

24. Surprises from Mathematics Education Research: Student (Mis)use of Mathematical Definitions

25. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Linear Algebra

26. Absolutely Abnormal Numbers

27. The Dirichlet Problem for Ellipsoids

28. Inverse Conjugacies and Reversing Symmetry Groups

29. Approximate Isometries on Euclidean Spaces

30. Gale's Round-Trip Jeep Problem

31. Squares Expressible as Sum of Consecutive Squares

32. Great Problems of Mathematics: A Course Based on Original Sources

33. On a Problem of Stein Concerning Infinite Covers

34. Bôcher's Theorem

35. An Analytical Description of Some Simple Cases of Chaotic Behaviour

36. On the Development of Optimization Theory

37. An Optimization Framework for Polynomial Zerofinders

38. A Geometric Interpretation of an Infinite Product for the Lemniscate Constant

39. Gauss's Lemma for Number Fields

40. Alice through Looking Glass after Looking Glass: The Mathematics of Mirrors and Kaleidoscopes

41. One Observation behind Two-Envelope Puzzles

42. Polynomials in the Nation's Service: Using Algebra to Design the Advanced Encryption Standard

43. Good Matrices: Matrices that Preserve Ideals

44. Rethinking Calculus: Learning and Thinking

45. Partitions of Unity for Countable Covers

46. Mathematical Proof and the Reliability of DNA Evidence

47. Curves of Constant Precession

48. Coefficient Identities for Powers of Taylor and Dirichlet Series

49. Cyclotomic Polynomials and Factorization Theorems

50. The Number of Furthest Neighbour Pairs of a Finite Planar Set