Investigating Osmotic Rates. Carolina Biological Supply, $191. Overview of Product "Investigating Osmotic Rates" is a hands-on, inquiry-based investigation that allows students to visually explore many of the aspects that affect osmosis and diffusion, with particular focus on osmotic rates. While it is intended for both the high school and the college level, it is likely best suited for the introductory college laboratory. It is designed to help students understand the fundamental advanced aspects of osmosis and diffusion. The class, divided into different expert teams, has the opportunity to investigate effects of solute concentration on osmotic rate, electrolytes versus natural solutes, and the effects of enzymes on osmotic rates. After completing the investigations, each expert team shares their results with the rest of the class for discussion and comparison. Students then analyze pooled results by creating a master graph looking at the impact on osmotic rate and then reflecting upon a series of higher-order questions. Learning Goals & Standards Carolina Biological continues to create high-quality educational products, and this is clearly evident when one opens the teacher's manual. The National Science Education Standards are clearly outlined, and a brief overview of what students are expected to do and how they will be assessed is provided. If you're a teacher who has to document every standard covered in each lesson plan, Carolina has done a great job of including these in the teacher's manual. The manual was clearly designed to be practical and to assist the teacher in implementing the activity and reducing preparation time. Copy-ready student activity sheets and teacher preparation pages have been well designed to maximize the lab experience while reducing overall preparation time. To help teachers and students get the most out of this inquiry experience, safety notes, background information, detailed materials lists and preparation notes, and extension activities are provided. Materials & Preparation This compact kit comes packaged in a box for easy storage until you're ready to implement this inquiry in the classroom. Compared to typical osmosis activities that I have utilized in the past, I found this investigation relatively simple to prepare and was able to set up all three stations in about 30 minutes. The reusable osmometers feature genuine animal membrane that is freely permeable to water and dissolved inorganic salts, but not to large molecules. Carolina provided all the essential materials except for a few items such as markers and paper towels, which can be found in most science classrooms. Instruction Carolina has designed this kit around the 5E model of instruction: engage, explore, explain, extend, and evaluate. I had my class of 23 divide into six teams of 3-4 students per experimental team (the kit was designed for classes of up to 36). Two student research groups were then assigned to each of the three primary investigations. This created expert groups for each of the three investigations that could collaborate with each other, verify observations and data, and then report back their results to the entire class for discussion. My high school freshman students were excited to tackle their assigned investigations. To help prepare the students the day before the lab, it is important to have each research group review their procedure carefully. I have only 50 minutes of class time, so it was important to instruct each lab group on how to divide the experimental set-up procedures so they could work collaboratively to get their experiments running. …