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1. On a Generalized Convolution Operator

2. Partial Covering of a Circle by 6 and 7 Congruent Circles

3. On Some New Inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard Midpoint and Trapezoid Type for Preinvex Functions in p,q-Calculus

4. Several Integral Inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard Type Related to k-Fractional Conformable Integral Operators

5. A Note on the Connection between Ordered Semihyperrings

6. Starlikeness of New General Differential Operators Associated with q-Bessel Functions

7. On the Fekete–Szegö Problem for Meromorphic Functions Associated with p,q-Wright Type Hypergeometric Function

8. Classification of Metaplectic Fusion Categories

9. Maximal Type Elements for Families

10. The Injectivity Theorem on a Non-Compact Kähler Manifold

11. Symmetry Problems for PDE

12. Further Results on the IDCPE Class of Life Distributions

13. Inner Product Groups and Riesz Representation Theorem

14. A Double Logarithmic Transform Involving the Exponential and Polynomial Functions Expressed in Terms of the Hurwitz–Lerch Zeta Function

15. Yet Another New Variant of Szász–Mirakyan Operator

16. On the Durrmeyer-Type Variant and Generalizations of Lototsky–Bernstein Operators

17. Convergence of Certain Baskakov Operators of Integral Type

18. On Some New Fractional Ostrowski- and Trapezoid-Type Inequalities for Functions of Bounded Variations with Two Variables