
Showing total 3,835 results
3,835 results

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1. IR frequency analysis in paper industry

2. Two-sided laser device for online paper caliper measurement and control

3. Power efficient scheduling in multihop networks (Invited Paper)

4. Studying of mass transfer processes and defectoscopy of paper porosity using femtosecond OCT

5. Paper formation analysis using the power spectrum of light transmission images

6. Rainbow stars: a multifrequency laser for generation of ultrashort optical pulses (Invited Paper)

7. Low and high orders of light scattering within the dispersible media (Invited Paper)

8. Optical methods of noninvasive examination of the peripheral blood circulation (Invited Paper)

9. Enabling technologies for nanostructuring (Invited Paper)

10. Direct spatial-temporal observation of Barkhausen avalanche in low-dimensional ferromagnetic system (Invited Paper)

11. Squeezing and entanglement from noisy Gaussian operations (Invited Paper)

12. Progress toward generating, storing, and communicating single-photon states using coherent atomic memory (Invited Paper)

13. Chalcogenide glass for mid- and longwave IR fiber lasers (Invited Paper)

14. Optical soliton: first paper and the history that resulted from it

15. Approach to high-accuracy qualification of long-radius spherical surfaces (Invited Paper)

16. Optical Fourier transform analysis of corneal endothelial cell patterns (Invited Paper)

17. Nonlinear-joint-transform-correlator-based optical pattern recognition using liquid crystal light valves (Invited Paper)

18. Invited Paper GaAs High-Gain Photodetectors : Attractive Devices For Raman Spectroscopy

19. Invited Paper Rotation-Invariant Pattern Recognition and Some of Its Limitations

20. Invited Paper Overview Of Flow Dynamics In Gas-Assisted Laser Cutting

21. Invited Paper High Frequency Excitation Of CO2 Lasers

22. Invited Paper Quantum Wells For Optical Processing Applications

23. Invited Paper Real-time Defect Enhancement using Inversion Properties of Photorefractive BSO

24. Theodore Harold Maiman and the invention of laser

25. Image understanding using geometric context

26. Analytic radar micro-Doppler signatures classification

27. Numerical simulation and comparison of nonlinear self-focusing based on iteration and ray tracing

28. Fast calculation of computer-generated spherical hologram by spherical harmonic transform

29. Fourier modal method for two-dimensional wavefront reconstruction

30. An airport surface surveillance solution based on fusion algorithm

31. Noise analysis in power distribution systems

32. Time-frequency analysis of transient signals in power distribution systems

33. Enhancement of low quality reconstructed digital hologram images based on frequency extrapolation of large objects under the diffraction limit

34. Physical and optical properties of TiO2 nanolayers for integrated photonics application

35. Depolarization of laser beam propagating through atmosphere based on multiple Rayleigh scattering model

36. Coherent synthetic imaging using multi-aperture scanning Fourier ptychography

37. FMCW CSAR Doppler shifting correction and the layover phenomenon analysising at a new received signal model

38. Interferometry measurement of parallel optical plate wavefront

39. Improving space object detection using a Fourier likelihood ratio detection algorithm

40. Optical fiber current sensor with external conversion

41. A robust method for infrared small target based on saliency detection

42. WISDOM: the WIYN spectrograph for Doppler monitoring: a NASA-NSF concept for an extreme precision radial velocity instrument in support of TESS

43. Radar target identification using probabilistic classification vector machines

44. Camouflaged target detection based on polarized spectral features

45. Quantum filtering theory and the reduction of dark count, dark current and optical crosstalk in optical detectors

46. Aperiodic grating design methods employed for idler-efficiency enhanced beam generation in orientation-patterned GaAs

47. Defect induced guided waves mode conversion

48. Performing modal analysis for multi-metric measurements: a discussion

49. An adaptive undersampling scheme of wavelet-encoded parallel MR imaging for more efficient MR data acquisition

50. Surface defect inspection of TFT-LCD panels based on 1D Fourier method