Odabir kultivara soje za uzgoj u određenom agroekološkom području predmet je mnogobrojnih istraživanja kod nas i u svijetu. Opće je poznato da su pojedini kultivari adaptabilniji te daju sigurne prirode u širom agroekološkom području. Odabir kultivara soje za sjetvu na području Županje godinama se temeljio na egzaktnim mikropokusima, makropokusima, pokusnoj i širokoj proizvodnji. Do domovinskog rata ova su istraživanja kontinuirano provođena a ratne su prilike donekle usporile ovaj rad. Ipak, u 1994. godini postavljen je makropokus soje sa 41 kultivarom i linijom kao novi početak rada na odabiru i umnažanju sjemena novih kultivara. U pokus na lokaciji Županja uvrđene su linije i kultivari grupa zriobe 00, 0-I, I, I-II, i II. U grupi 00 najniži prirod dala je Županjka 19,8 dt/ha, a najviši linija PSOH- 1 25,0 dt/ha ili 26,26% više. Najniži prirod u grupi 0 dali su kultivari Neretva i Kaja 12,0 dt/ha, a najviši kultivar Gordana 26,5 dt/ha ili 14,5 dt/ha više. U grupi zriobe 0-1 najniži prirod dao je kultivar P-9061 (Gadur) 17,0 dt/ha, a najviši linija L-86-1779 26,0 dt/ha ili 52,94%. Najniži prirod u grupi I dala je linija L-185 12,0 dt/ha, a najviši linija P-9161 27,5 dt/ha ili 15,5 dt/ha više. U grupi I-II najniži prirod dala je linija P-9121 14,0 dt/ha, a najviši Ronda 30,5 dt/ha ili više 16,5 dt/ha. U grupi II najniži prirod dala je linija P -9071 7,0 dt/ha, a kultivar Sava je dala 34,0 dt/ha ili 27,0 dt/ha više. Razlika između najnižeg priroda (Kaja i Neretva 12,0 dt/ha) i najvišeg (Sava 34,0 dt/ha) iznosi 22,0 t ili cijeli prosjek pokusa., The election of soybean cultivars for growing in a certain agroecologic region is the subject of numerous investigations in our country and in the world. Some cultivars are more adaptable and are sure to give a stable yield in a wider agroecologic area. The election of soybean cultivars for sowing in Županja region has been based for years on micro-trials, macro-trials, the experimental and wide production. Those investigations were continuously conducted until the war time, but then the work was somewhat slowed down by the war conditions. However, in 1994 a soybean macrotrial was caried out with 41 cultivars and lines as a new start of work on the selection and production of seeds of new cultivars. Lines and cultivars of the maturity groups 00, 0-I, I, I-II and II were included in the trial on Županja location. In the group 00 the lowest yield was given by Županjka with 19,8 dt/ha, and the highest by line PSOH-I with 25,0 dt/ha or 26,26% more. the lowest yield in the group 0 was given by cultivars Neretva and Kaja with 12,0 dt7ha, and the highest by cultivar Gordana with 26,5 dt/ha or 14,5 dt/ha more. In the maturity group 0-I the lowest yiled was given by cultivar P-9061 (Gadur) with 17,0 dt/ha, and the highest by line L-86-1779 with 26,0 dt/ha or 52,94% more. In the group I the lowest yield was given by line L-185 with 12,0 dt/ha, and the highest by line P-9161 with 27,5 dt/ha or 15,5 dt/ha more. In the group I-II the lowest yield was given by line P-9121 with 14,0 dt/ha, and the highest by Ronda with 2,05 dt/ha or 16,5 dt/ha more. In the group II the lowest yield was given by line P-9071 with 0,70 dt/ha, and cultivar Sava gave 34,90 dt/ha or 27,0 dt/ha more. The difference between the lowest yield (Kaja and Neretva) and the highest by Sava with 34,0 dt/ha amount to 22,0 dt what equals the average of the trial.