
Showing total 126 results
126 results

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1. Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and influencing factors of the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Formation in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery

2. Nitrogen isotope compositions and organic matter accumulation in terrestrial hydrocarbon source rocks in China

3. Resource potential in Junggar Basin and SINOPEC's integrated exploration strategy for conventional and unconventional petroleum

4. A new method for the evaluation of the utilization potential of proved undeveloped reserves and its application: a case study of Y reservoir

5. Development characteristics and main controlling factors of bedding-parallel lamellated fractures in shale in 7th member of Triassic Yanchang Formation, southwestern Ordos Basin

6. Quantitative evaluation of fault sealing by Weighted Shale Gouge Ratio(WSGR): a case study of Yongan area in Gaoyou Sag, Subei Basin

7. Geological characteristics and sweet spot selection of Permian organic-rich sedimentary tuff series in northern Fuling, Chongqing

8. Reservoir-forming rules and main controlling factors of Archean buried hill reservoir of middle to northern Liaoxi Uplift in Liaodong Bay area in Bohai Bay Basin

9. Combined measurement of hydrogen sulfide content and sulfur isotope in natural gas

10. Research progress of microscopic percolation mechanism of shale oil

11. Progress and development suggestions of deep normal pressure shale gas engineering technology

12. Method for identification of fractures in shale gas horizontal wells in eastern Sichuan Basin and its application

13. Pore structure and free gas transport characteristics of deep shale: taking Longmaxi Formation shale in Sichuan Basin as an example

14. Beneficial development practice and countermeasures of Baima block in Fuling shale gas field, Sichuan Basin

15. Characterization parameters of the evolution degree of strike-slip faults

16. Basis of petroleum geological theory and exploration direction for ultra-deep exploration of 10 000-meter depth

17. In-situ thermal simulation experiment of single organic matter pore evolution in shale

18. Application of sparry grain limestone petrographic analysis combining image processing and deep learning

19. Characteristics of pressure relief induced by shale brittle fracture in tectonic uplift area and its influence on shale oil enrichment: a case study of Chang 73 sub-member of Yanchang Formation in Yan'an area

20. Study on the micro mechanism of shale self-sealing and shale gas preservation

21. Progress in the study of carbonate clumped isotope in the thermal history of marine basins

22. Review on molecular structures of asphaltene macromolecules and instrumental analytical approaches

23. Fine-grained sedimentary characteristics and evolution model of Permian Fengcheng Formation in Hashan area, Junggar Basin

24. Development characteristics and quantitative characterization of pore evolution of deep and ultra-deep clastic reservoirs in the hinterland of the Junggar Basin

25. Paleotemperature evolution and its driving mechanism during the formation of limestone-marl alternations in first member of Middle Permian Maokou Formation in Sichuan Basin

26. Determination of geological evaluation parameters for profitable development of Chang 8 tight oil reservoir in Honghe oil field, Ordos Basin

27. Characteristics and main controlling factors of the limy source rock gas reservoir in the first member of the Middle Permian Maokou Formation in the southern Sichuan and western Chongqing area: a case study of well DB 1

28. Key geochemical evidence of 'near-source accumulation' of tight oil: a case study of near-source assemblage of Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin

29. Analysis of shale pore structure characteristics based on nitrogen adsorption experiment and fractal FHH model: a case study of 7th member of Triassic Yanchang Formation in Huachi area, Ordos Basin

30. Application and discussion of expected monetary value (EMV) method in domestic shale gas block bidding

31. Reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of Paleogene carbonate-rich shale in Dongying Sag, Bohai Bay Basin

32. Petroleum systems and resource potential in Sverdrup Basin, Arctic

33. Differential deformation characteristics and genetic mechanism of boundary normal faults in Wangfu Fault Depression, Songliao Basin

34. Relationship among oil and gas resources, reserves and production in China and suggestions for the development direction of national oil and gas resource assessment

35. Strategic area selection and key exploration fields in central and western large basins

36. Gas-bearing characteristics and major controlling factors of shallow marine shale: a case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in Taiyang block of Zhaotong area

37. Depositional model and petroleum significance of the Cretaceous Yageliemu Formation in Xinhe area on the southern slope of Kuqa Depression, Tarim Basin

38. Characteristics and controlling factors of heavy oil distribution in Liaohe Depression, Bohai Bay Basin

39. Characteristics and controlling factors of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian in northern Sichuan Basin

40. On-line microscopic imaging investigation on oil charging characteristics in tight reservoirs

41. Classified characteristics of helium gas resources and controlling factors for the enrichment

42. Microscopic characteristics of sulfur depositions in high-sulfur-content reservoirs

43. Evolution of environmental oxidation and reduction of sea water in Three Gorges area in Early Cambrian: evidence from decoupled carbon isotopes in Luojiacun section

44. Oil-bearing capacity of shale in the first member of Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Sanzhao Sag, Central Depression, Songliao Basin

45. Pore and throat characterization of tight reservoirs based on the methods of alloy injection and large-field image stitching

46. Lithofacies palaeogeography of Middle Permian in the Sichuan Basin and its petroleum geological significance

47. Correlation between formation pressure and hydrocarbon enrichment in Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Western Sichuan Depression

48. Dynamic difference and characterization of reservoir fluid in continental rift basins

49. Geochemical characteristics and resource potential of source rocks in Aixi Sag, Yingen-Ejinaqi Basin

50. Play risk evaluation for hydrocarbon exploration