
Showing total 13 results
13 results

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1. Efficient FPGA Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory for Radar Emitter Signal Recognition.

2. Bengali-Sign: A Machine Learning-Based Bengali Sign Language Interpretation for Deaf and Non-Verbal People.

3. Productivity Measurement through IMU-Based Detailed Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning: A Case Study of Masonry Work.

4. Classification of Motor Imagery EEG Signals Based on Data Augmentation and Convolutional Neural Networks.

5. Deep Learning with LPC and Wavelet Algorithms for Driving Fault Diagnosis.

6. Human Activity Recognition Algorithm with Physiological and Inertial Signals Fusion: Photoplethysmography, Electrodermal Activity, and Accelerometry.

7. Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning and IMU-Based Activity Recognition for Ice Hockey Analytics.

8. Miner Fatigue Detection from Electroencephalogram-Based Relative Power Spectral Topography Using Convolutional Neural Network.

9. An End-to-End Multi-Channel Convolutional Bi-LSTM Network for Automatic Sleep Stage Detection.

10. A Machine Learning Specklegram Wavemeter (MaSWave) Based on a Short Section of Multimode Fiber as the Dispersive Element.

11. Inertial Sensor-Based Sport Activity Advisory System Using Machine Learning Algorithms.

12. Inter-Patient Congestive Heart Failure Detection Using ECG-Convolution-Vision Transformer Network.

13. Automatic Sleep-Arousal Detection with Single-Lead EEG Using Stacking Ensemble Learning.