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1. COVID-19 Detection on Chest X-ray and CT Scan: A Review of the Top-100 Most Cited Papers.

2. Person Recognition Based on Deep Gait: A Survey.

3. Phase-Resolved Partial Discharge (PRPD) Pattern Recognition Using Image Processing Template Matching.

4. Invariant Pattern Recognition with Log-Polar Transform and Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet-Fourier Features.

5. Two-Stage Feature Generator for Handwritten Digit Classification.

6. Pattern Classification Using Quantized Neural Networks for FPGA-Based Low-Power IoT Devices.

7. Mechanomyography Signal Pattern Recognition of Knee and Ankle Movements Using Swarm Intelligence Algorithm-Based Feature Selection Methods.

8. Adaptive Template Reconstruction for Effective Pattern Classification.

9. PeakForce AFM Analysis Enhanced with Model Reduction Techniques.

10. A Hybrid Rule-Based and Machine Learning System for Arabic Check Courtesy Amount Recognition.

11. Algorithms and Techniques for the Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges: Systematic Literature Review.

12. An Efficient Pest Detection Framework with a Medium-Scale Benchmark to Increase the Agricultural Productivity.

13. DFTrans: Dual Frequency Temporal Attention Mechanism-Based Transportation Mode Detection.

14. Myoelectric Control Systems for Upper Limb Wearable Robotic Exoskeletons and Exosuits—A Systematic Review.

15. Recognition of Uni-Stroke Characters with Hand Movements in 3D Space Using Convolutional Neural Networks.

16. Lightweight Long Short-Term Memory Variational Auto-Encoder for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems.

17. A Comparative Analysis Applied to the Partial Discharges Identification in Dry-Type Transformers by Hall and Acoustic Emission Sensors.

18. Assessment of UHF Frequency Range for Failure Classification in Power Transformers.

19. Using Graphs to Perform Effective Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes.

20. Partial Discharge Signal Pattern Recognition of Composite Insulation Defects in Cross-Linked Polyethylene Cables.

21. Convolutional Neural Network-Based Pattern Recognition of Partial Discharge in High-Speed Electric-Multiple-Unit Cable Termination.

22. Remote Emotion Recognition Using Continuous-Wave Bio-Radar System.

23. Identification of Olives Using In-Field Hyperspectral Imaging with Lightweight Models.

24. Research on a Fault Diagnosis Method for Crankshafts Based on Improved Multi-Scale Permutation Entropy.

25. A Comprehensive Study on Pain Assessment from Multimodal Sensor Data.

26. Methodology for Detecting Progressive Damage in Structures Using Ultrasound-Guided Waves.

27. Noise Immunity and Robustness Study of Image Recognition Using a Convolutional Neural Network.

28. Machine Learning Techniques for Increasing Efficiency of the Robot's Sensor and Control Information Processing †.

29. An Adaptive Multi-Modal Control Strategy to Attenuate the Limb Position Effect in Myoelectric Pattern Recognition.

30. Surgical Instrument Signaling Gesture Recognition Using Surface Electromyography Signals.

31. Semi-Autonomic AI LF-NMR Sensor for Industrial Prediction of Edible Oil Oxidation Status.

32. Comprehensive Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods for Emotion Recognition from Multichannel EEG Recordings.

33. Classification of Acoustic Influences Registered with Phase-Sensitive OTDR Using Pattern Recognition Methods.

34. Robust Identification System for Spanish Sign Language Based on Three-Dimensional Frame Information.

35. Correlation Analysis of In-Vehicle Sensors Data and Driver Signals in Identifying Driving and Driver Behaviors.

36. Multi-Currency Integrated Serial Number Recognition Model of Images Acquired by Banknote Counters.

37. sEMG-Based Hand Posture Recognition and Visual Feedback Training for the Forearm Amputee.

38. Computer Vision and Machine Learning-Based Gait Pattern Recognition for Flat Fall Prediction.

39. A Simplified Correlation Index for Fast Real-Time Pulse Shape Recognition.

40. Preliminary Studies on Detection of Fusarium Basal Rot Infection in Onions and Shallots Using Electronic Nose.

41. Toward a Structural Health Monitoring Methodology for Concrete Structures under Dynamic Loads Using Embedded FBG Sensors and Strain Mapping Techniques.

42. The Detection of Activities Occurring Inside Quick Service Restaurants That Influence Air Quality.

43. Pattern Recognition of EMG Signals by Machine Learning for the Control of a Manipulator Robot.

44. Deep Neural Network Recognition of Rivet Joint Defects in Aircraft Products.

45. Zero-Padding and Spatial Augmentation-Based Gas Sensor Node Optimization Approach in Resource-Constrained 6G-IoT Paradigm.

46. Real-Time Object Detection and Classification by UAV Equipped with SAR.

47. Multi-level Hierarchical Complex Behavior Monitoring System for Dog Psychological Separation Anxiety Symptoms.

48. Detection of Typical Compensatory Movements during Autonomously Performed Exercises Preventing Low Back Pain (LBP).

49. sEMG-Based Hand Posture Recognition Considering Electrode Shift, Feature Vectors, and Posture Groups.

50. Coastal Image Classification and Pattern Recognition: Tairua Beach, New Zealand.