
Showing total 127 results
127 results

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1. Evaluating emissions and air quality implications of residential waste incineration.

2. Comparisons of stakeholders' influences, inter-relationships, and obstacles for circular economy implementation on existing building sectors.

3. Complex network analysis techniques for the early detection of the outbreak of pandemics transmitted through air traffic.

4. Towards risk-targeted seismic hazard models for Europe.

5. Long-distance air pressure differences correlate with European rain.

6. How a school holiday led to persistent COVID-19 outbreaks in Europe.

7. Genetic structuring and invasion status of the perennial Ambrosia psilostachya (Asteraceae) in Europe.

8. Statistical evidence for the contribution of citizen-led initiatives and projects to the energy transition in Europe.

9. The implications of globalization on COVID-19 vaccination in Europe.

10. Spatial heterogeneity of air pollution statistics in Europe.

11. Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe.

12. Human response to the Younger Dryas along the southern North Sea basin, Northwest Europe.

13. Advancing mortality rate prediction in European population clusters: integrating deep learning and multiscale analysis.

14. Dissection of figured wood trait in curly birch (Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti) using high-throughput genotyping.

15. Inequalities in regional excess mortality and life expectancy during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe.

16. Distribution of economic damages due to climate-driven sea-level rise across European regions and sectors.

18. The provenance of the stones in the Menga dolmen reveals one of the greatest engineering feats of the Neolithic.

19. Exploring COVID-19 conspiracy theories: education, religiosity, trust in scientists, and political orientation in 26 European countries.

20. Pro-ecological and conservation activities are not always beneficial to nature: a case study of two lowland streams in Central Europe.

21. The causal effects of leisure screen time on irritable bowel syndrome risk from a Mendelian randomization study.

22. First direct evidence of lion hunting and the early use of a lion pelt by Neanderthals.

23. Experimental investigation of the responses of meadow buttercup (Ranunculus acris L.) to sodic salinity and its implications for habitat monitoring.

24. Risk of long COVID main symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

25. Lifelong effects of prenatal and early postnatal stress on the hippocampus, amygdala, and psychological states of Holocaust survivors.

26. Hotspot movement of compound events on the Europe continent.

27. Crash and rebound of indigenous populations in lowland South America.

28. Wolf genetic diversity compared across Europe using the yardstick method.

29. Rickettsia species in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks feeding on human skin and clinical manifestations of tick-borne infections after tick bite.

30. Explaining population booms and busts in Mid-Holocene Europe.

31. Adversity specificity and life period exposure on cognitive aging.

32. Deciphering timing and rates of Central German Chernozem/Phaeozem formation through high resolution single-grain luminescence dating.

33. A buprenorphine depot formulation provides effective sustained post-surgical analgesia for 72 h in mouse femoral fracture models.

34. Exploring regional aspects of 3D facial variation within European individuals.

35. Inferring genetic structure when there is little: population genetics versus genomics of the threatened bat Miniopterus schreibersii across Europe.

36. Arbuscular mycorrhiza can be disadvantageous for weedy annuals in competition with paired perennial plants.

37. Estimating the social value of nature-based solutions in European cities.

38. Controls on coastal flooding in the southern Baltic Sea revealed from the late Holocene sedimentary records.

39. Compost from willow biomass (Salix viminalis L.) as a horticultural substrate alternative to peat in the production of vegetable transplants.

40. A Middle Pleistocene wolf from central Italy provides insights on the first occurrence of Canis lupus in Europe.

41. The future of Viscum album L. in Europe will be shaped by temperature and host availability.

42. Residential trajectories across the life course and their association with cognitive functioning in later life.

43. Frontiers of the Lower Palaeolithic expansion in Europe: Tunel Wielki Cave (Poland).

44. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) detects wildfire occurrence in the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe.

45. Towards seasonal forecasting of flood probabilities in Europe using climate and catchment information.

46. Stable isotopes unveil one millennium of domestic cat paleoecology in Europe.

47. On the weekly cycle of atmospheric ammonia over European agricultural hotspots.

48. Positive effects of bubbles as a feeding predictor on behaviour of farmed rainbow trout.

49. Global warming is shifting the relationships between fire weather and realized fire-induced CO2 emissions in Europe.

50. Comprehensive comparison of treatments for controlling the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) in Central Europe.