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180 results

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1. Impact of school operating scenarios on COVID-19 transmission under vaccination in the U.S.: an agent-based simulation model.

2. Prevalence of right ventricular dysfunction and impact on all-cause death in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

3. MGLEP: Multimodal Graph Learning for Modeling Emerging Pandemics with Big Data.

4. Assessment of the dynamics of inpatient health care delivery in Poland before and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

5. Predictive healthcare modeling for early pandemic assessment leveraging deep auto regressor neural prophet.

6. Complex network analysis techniques for the early detection of the outbreak of pandemics transmitted through air traffic.

7. Identification of heart rate change during the teaching process.

8. Socio-economic pandemic modelling: case of Spain.

9. Dynamic calibration with approximate Bayesian computation for a microsimulation of disease spread.

10. A regime switch analysis on Covid-19 in Romania.

11. Assessment of aerosol persistence in ICUs via low-cost sensor network and zonal models.

12. Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to assess the impact of nonpharmaceutical interventions on the second wave of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic across the world.

13. Understanding the uneven spread of COVID-19 in the context of the global interconnected economy.

14. Pairwise and high-order dependencies in the cryptocurrency trading network.

15. A repeated-measures study on emotional responses after a year in the pandemic.

16. Evaluation of reopening strategies for educational institutions during COVID-19 through agent based simulation.

17. An evaluation framework for operational interventions on urban mass public transport during a pandemic.

18. A method for forecasting the number of hospitalized and deceased based on the number of newly infected during a pandemic.

19. The impact of control and mitigation strategies during the second wave of coronavirus infections in Spain and Italy.

20. Rapid design and implementation of a UVC decontamination room.

21. Prioritizing high-contact occupations raises effectiveness of vaccination campaigns.

22. Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: a population study.

23. The epidemic volatility index, a novel early warning tool for identifying new waves in an epidemic.

24. One year of modeling and forecasting COVID-19 transmission to support policymakers in Connecticut.

25. Optimal control strategies on COVID-19 infection to bolster the efficacy of vaccination in India.

26. The effectiveness of testing, vaccinations and contact restrictions for containing the CoViD-19 pandemic.

27. Key factors affecting people's unwillingness to be confined during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain: a large-scale population study.

28. Spatiotemporal evolution analysis of NO 2 column density before and after COVID-19 pandemic in Henan province based on SI-APSTE model.

29. COUnty aggRegation mixup AuGmEntation (COURAGE) COVID-19 prediction.

30. Decision support for the quickest detection of critical COVID-19 phases.

31. Increased generosity under COVID-19 threat.

32. COVID-19 behavioral health and quality of life.

33. Cross-country evidence on the association between contact tracing and COVID-19 case fatality rates.

34. Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe.

35. Electricity-consumption data reveals the economic impact and industry recovery during the pandemic.

36. Geographic monitoring for early disease detection (GeoMEDD).

37. Prediction of the COVID-19 outbreak in China based on a new stochastic dynamic model.

38. COVID-19 predictability in the United States using Google Trends time series.

39. The κ-statistics approach to epidemiology.

40. A model of faulty and faultless disagreement for post-hoc assessments of knowledge utilization in evidence-based policymaking.

41. Pandemic policy assessment by artificial intelligence.

42. Allocating vaccines to remote and on-site workers in the tradable sector.

43. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on marriage, divorce, birth, and death in Kerman province, the ninth most populous province of Iran.

44. Assessing the effects of pandemic risk on cooperation and social norms using a before-after Covid-19 comparison in two long-term experiments.

45. Perceived interpersonal distance changes in young Taiwanese pre and post SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

46. Longing for touch post-COVID-19: current observations and future directions.

47. Public health factors help explain cross country heterogeneity in excess death during the COVID19 pandemic.

48. Mortality reduction in older COVID-19-patients hospitalized in Spain during the second pandemic wave from the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry.

49. The impact of the anthropause caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on beach debris accumulation in Maui, Hawaiʻi.

50. Structured multi-criteria model of self-managed motivation in organizations based on happiness at work: pandemic related study.