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1. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

2. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

3. An accurate a posteriori error estimator for the Steklov eigenvalue problem and its applications

4. Pulsating waves and entire solutions for a spatially periodic nonlocal dispersal system with a quiescent stage

5. On the critical behavior of a homopolymer model

6. Hexahedral constraint-free finite element method on meshes with hanging nodes

7. Homological behavior of idempotent subalgebras and Ext algebras

8. Zeckendorf representations with at most two terms to x-coordinates of Pell equations

9. Unconditional convergence of linearized implicit finite difference method for the 2D/3D Gross-Pitaevskii equation with angular momentum rotation

10. Riesz-Kolmogorov theorem in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces and its applications to Riemann-Liouville fractional differential equations

11. Kreĭn space representation and Lorentz groups of analytic Hilbert modules

12. Two-parameter families of uniquely extendable Diophantine triples

13. Traveling waves for a diffusive SEIR epidemic model with standard incidences

14. Existence of solutions for a critical fractional Kirchhoff type problem in ℝ N

15. A spectral projection method for transmission eigenvalues

16. Correlation functions of gauged linear σ-model

17. DG Poisson algebra and its universal enveloping algebra

18. Parameter estimation for generalized diffusion processes with reflected boundary

19. Local existence in retarded time under a weak decay on complete null cones

20. On order-preserving and order-reversing mappings defined on cones of convex functions

21. A critical Trudinger-Moser inequality involving a degenerate potential and nonlinear Schrödinger equations

22. Relative volume comparison of Ricci flow

23. Mean curvature flow with linear oblique derivative boundary conditions

24. Stable correlation and robust feature screening

25. Empirical likelihood test for the equality of several high-dimensional covariance matrices

26. Normalized solutions and mass concentration for supercritical nonlinear Schrödinger equations

27. Globally hyperbolic moment model of arbitrary order for the three-dimensional special relativistic Boltzmann equation with the Anderson-Witting collision

28. Rational double points on Enriques surfaces

29. Univoque graphs for non-integer base expansions

30. C0 conjugacy between PM functions with nonmonotonicity height equal to 1

31. A local discontinuous Galerkin method for pattern formation dynamical model in polymerizing action flocks

32. Hermitian geometry on the resolvent set (II)

33. Isoparametric hypersurfaces in Finsler space forms

34. Further results on Hilbert’s Tenth Problem

35. Global weak solutions and asymptotics of a singular PDE-ODE Chemotaxis system with discontinuous data

36. An extended Galerkin analysis for elliptic problems

37. Higgs bundles over foliation manifolds

38. Strong unique continuation property for a class of fourth order elliptic equations with strongly singular potentials

39. Existence of multiple solutions for quasi-linear degenerate elliptic equations

40. Characterization of image spaces of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral operators on Sobolev spaces Wm,p (Ω)

41. The minimal measurement number for generalized conjugate phase retrieval

42. Orbifold Gromov-Witten theory of weighted blowups

43. Isometries for the modulus metric in higher dimensions are conformal mappings

44. The generalized Bourgain-Sarnak-Ziegler criterion and its application to additively twisted sums on GLm

45. Compensated split-step balanced methods for nonlinear stiff SDEs with jump-diffusion and piecewise continuous arguments

46. Well-posedness and dynamics of fractional FitzHugh-Nagumo systems on ℝN driven by nonlinear noise

47. Transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional neutral center

48. Smoothness of invariant manifolds and foliations for infinite dimensional random dynamical systems

49. Comparison theorems for GJMS operators

50. Iteratively weighted thresholding homotopy method for the sparse solution of underdetermined linear equations