
Showing total 16 results
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1. Misconduct: Caltech's trial by fire

2. Fraud strikes top genome lab

3. The Dingell probe finally goes public

4. 'Dangerous' liaisons in cell biology

5. Caltech deals with fraud allegations

6. Imanishi-Kari ruling slams ORI

7. Post-mortem on Storb resignation

8. U.S.-French patent dispute heads for a showdown

9. NSF: Congress probes mismanagement charges

10. Dingell rips Healy for 'obstructionism.' (Michigan Representative John Dingell, National Institutes of Health Director Bernadine Healy)

11. Whose notes are they?

12. FBI investigates leaks at OSI

13. OSI: better the devil you know?

14. Can OSI withstand a scientific backlash?

15. Scientists get mad at OSI: NIH's investigative agency is coming under fire in two celebrated cases involving Robert Gallo and David Baltimore

16. OSI investigator 'reined in': the head of the Gallo and Baltimore investigations has been taken off the cases; Bernadine Healy's role in the move prompts congressional hearing