
Showing total 7 results
7 results

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1. Attitudes towards oldest‐old adults (age ≥80 years): A survey and international comparison between Swedish and Austrian nursing students.

2. Factors associated with improvement in depressive symptoms among older persons after hospitalisation – a prospective design with two follow‐ups.

3. Development and initial psychometric evaluation of a radiotherapy‐related symptom assessment tool, based on data from patients with brain tumours undergoing proton beam therapy.

4. Mother's postnatal stress: an investigation of links to various factors during pregnancy and post-partum.

5. Fulfilment of knowledge expectations among family members of patients undergoing arthroplasty: a European perspective.

6. Type 1 diabetes - impact on children and parents at diagnosis and 1 year subsequent to the child's diagnosis.

7. Predictors of valued everyday occupations, empowerment and satisfaction in day centres: implications for services for persons with psychiatric disabilities.