
Showing total 1,214 results
1,214 results

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7. The Research Paper (Book).

12. Studies in the Transformation of U.S. Agriculture (Book).

14. Institution Building: A Model for Applied Social Change (Book).

16. Land Economics Research (Book).

19. Migration (Book).

20. Diffusion of Innovations (Book).

21. Country Life Programs (Book).

22. The Cooperative Extension Service (Book).

24. Change and Ambivalence on the Periphery (Book).

26. The Dying Community (Book).

28. Comparative Research Methods (Book).

33. China's Gentry: Essays in Rural-Urban Relations (Book).

34. Structure and Function of Rural Communities in the Sphere of Influence of a German Medium-sized Town/Rural Population in the "Magnetic" Field of a Town/The Part-time Farmer and His Family at the Meeting Point of Rural and Urban Life (Book).

36. Post-War Problems (Book).

41. Qualitative and Quantitative Social Research (Book).

42. Agricultural Policies in the USSR and Eastern Europe/The Peasantry of Eastern Europe, Volume II/ 20th Century Developments (Book).

43. Perspectives on State Demographic Activities/Population Forecasting for Small Areas: An Examination of the State of the Art as Applied to the Problems of Planning (Book).

45. Mediterranean Family Structures (Book).

46. Sociological Perspectives of Domestic Development (Book).

48. Social Change (Book).

50. The Timing of Family Formation: Rural-Urban Differentials in First Intercourse, Childbirth, and Marriage (Book).