Resumen: La lengua de signos es una lengua natural, de uso principal o preferente, de personas que viven en España y gozan de la ciudadanía española. Si el resto de las lenguas que se hablan en este Estado disfruta de mención constitucional, carece de sentido que no se otorgue el mismo trato a la lengua de signos. Para ello se precisa una reforma de la Constitución en el art. 3.2. Reflejando al máximo nivel normativo la realidad de uso de la lengua de signos, se efectúa una remoción de obstáculos para la integración de las personas sordas y sordociegas, y se previenen afecciones a la igualdad en este grupo humano susceptible de discriminación. Abstract: Sign language is a common lenguage, of main or preferent use by individuals living in Spain and enjoying Spanish citizenship. Given that the rest of the lenguages spoken in the State are mentioned in the Constitution, it is non sense that same treatement is not accorded to sign language. For this to be solved, it is necessary to reform article 3.2 of the Constitution. Thus, placing at the highest legal level the reality of sign language, obstacles to integration of deaf and deaf-blind persons are removed and infingements to equality of this group —very sensitive to discrimination— are prevented. Summary: 1. Introduction. 2. A proposal of constitutional reform. 3. Disability protection rules in general, and of the sign language in particular. 4. Sign Language as element worthy of express constitutional mention. 5. The specific location of sign language in the Constitution and the effects of their constitutionalization. 6. The reform proposal refers to all the spanish signs languages. 7. The process of constitutional reform for the proposal. 8. Conclusions. 9. Bibliography.