In the in vitro study of determined hematological illnesses, especially the Sickle Cell Disease (SCD), itis needed to get (Hb) hemoglobin solutions in similar conditions to the physiologicones. A very used methodology is the washing of the red cells with buffer solution to isolate them of the remainder of the blood constituents, to proportion a constant pH within the physiologic range and once that the hemolysis is provoked, to get the (Hb) hemoglobin solution in the desired conditions. In this work three of the most used biological buffers are compared (PBS, PBP and BSKG), showing chemistry properties like the pK, the buffer effect interval, the influence of the temperature on pH, their stability in the time, as well as the effect on the biological system, considering the grade of hemolysis that they provoke and the number of washings necessary in order to obtain the hemoglobin solution with the desired pH. The results of the study showed that the three buffers can be used in the red cells washing, reporting the phosphate buffer saline (PBS) as the one of the best conditions, since it provokes the least grade of hemolysis and the least variation of the pH with the temperature, that permits that in the range from 5 to 40 °C its pH stays within the range of variations permitted by the organism that varies from 7,35 to 7,45. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]