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1. On Endogeneity Bias: Some General Remarks and Correction of the ROIW Paper by Bourguignon, Ferreira, and Menéndez (2007).

2. Inequality Beyond GDP: A Long View.

3. African‐American and Hispanic Income, Wealth and Homeownership since 1989.

4. Inequality in multidimensional well‐being in the United States.

5. The Impact of Inequality and Redistribution on Growth.

6. Top Income Adjustments and Inequality: An Investigation of the EU‐SILC†.

7. Earnings, Cohort Effects, and Inter‐Generational Inequality: Evidence From the Luxembourg Income Study.

8. I Perceive Therefore I Demand: The Formation of Inequality Perceptions and Demand for Redistribution.

9. Inflation and the Income Share of the Rich: Evidence for 14 OECD Countries.

10. Sustainability and Wealth of Rural Households: Measurement and Inequality Analysis.

11. GDP Per Capita Versus Median Household Income: What Gives Rise to the Divergence Over Time and how does this Vary Across OECD Countries?

12. Issues and Challenges in Measuring National Income, Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality in Sub- Saharan African Countries: An Introduction.

13. Assortative Mating and Earnings Inequality in France.

14. Evolutions in Consumption Inequality and Poverty in Greece: The Impact of the Crisis and Austerity Policies.

15. Evaluating Patterns of Income Growth when Status Matters: A Robust Approach.

16. A Consistent Data Series to Evaluate Growth and Inequality in the National Accounts.

17. Top Income Shares in Greece From Dictatorship to Crisis: 1967–2017.

18. The Determinants of Redistribution Around The World.

19. Measuring lnequality in the Middle East 1990–2016: The World's Most Unequal Region?

20. Informal Employment and the Structure of Wages in India: A Review of Trends.

21. Understanding Twenty Years of Inequality and Poverty Trends in Russia.

22. Inequality in 3‐D: Income, Consumption, and Wealth.

23. Fiscal Policy, Income Redistribution, and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Tunisia.


25. The Long Run Effects of Taxes and Tax Competition on top Income Shares: An Empirical Investigation.

26. Rent-Imputation for Welfare Measurement: A Review of Methodologies and Empirical Findings.

27. Speed and Sequencing of Transition Reforms and Income Inequality: A Panel Data Analysis.

28. Poverty and Welfare Measurement on the Basis of Prospect Theory.

29. Shifting Taxes from Labor to Consumption: More Employment and more Inequality?

30. Measuring the Consistency of Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Income Information in EU- SILC.

31. Heterogeneity in Early Life Investments: A Longitudinal Analysis of Children's Time Use.

32. A Different Perspective on the Evolution of UK Income Inequality.

33. Informal Employment and the Structure of Wages in India: A Review of Trends.

34. Why do Redistributive Policies Differ across Countries? Analyzing the Multiple Dimensions of Preferences for Redistribution.

35. Corporate Income Taxation and Inequality: Review and Discussion of Issues Raised in The triumph of injustice—How the rich dodge taxes and how to make them pay (2019)☆.

36. Why has Income Inequality in Germany Increased From 2002 to 2011? A Behavioral Microsimulation Decomposition.

37. Parametric Lorenz Curves and the Modality of the Income Density Function.

38. The Unequal Consequences of the Covid‐19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Large Representative German Population Survey.

39. The Impact of a Marginal Subsidy on Gini Indices.

40. Global Inequality: Relatively Lower, Absolutely Higher.

41. Estimating the Level and Distribution of Global Wealth, 2000-2014.

42. Inequality: Measurement, Trends, Impacts and Policies.

43. Distributional Consequences of Commodity Price Shocks: Australia Over A Century.

44. The 'Business Climate' and Economic Inequality.

45. The Distributional Incidence of Growth: A Social Welfare Approach.

46. An Anatomy Of Racial and Ethnic Trends in Male Earnings in the U.S.

47. Interpolating the Lorenz Curve: Methods to Preserve Shape and Remain Consistent with the Concentration Curves for Components.

48. Social Mobility in Five African Countries.

49. Inequality of Happiness in the U. S.: 1972-2010.

50. More Relatively-Poor People in a Less Absolutely-Poor World.