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1. Transferability of Machine Learning Models for Crop Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery Using a New Test Methodology: A Study on Phenological, Temporal, and Spatial Influences.

2. Sentinel-2 and AISA Airborne Hyperspectral Images for Mediterranean Shrubland Mapping in Catalonia.

3. Superpixel Nonlocal Weighting Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

4. Estimation of Precipitation Area Using S-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements.

5. Object-Based Features for House Detection from RGB High-Resolution Images.

6. Nearest-Regularized Subspace Classification for PolSAR Imagery Using Polarimetric Feature Vector and Spatial Information.

7. Sea-Land Clutter Classification Based on Graph Spectrum Features.

8. A Spectral-Texture Kernel-Based Classification Method for Hyperspectral Images.

9. Mapping and Monitoring of the Invasive Species Dichrostachys cinerea (Marabú) in Central Cuba Using Landsat Imagery and Machine Learning (1994–2022).

10. Exploring the Limits of Species Identification via a Convolutional Neural Network in a Complex Forest Scene through Simulated Imaging Spectroscopy.

11. Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Joint Bilateral Filter and Graph Cut Based Model.

12. An SVM-Based Nested Sliding Window Approach for Spectral–Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images.

13. Mapping of Agricultural Crops from Single High-Resolution Multispectral Images-Data-Driven Smoothing vs. Parcel-Based Smoothing.

14. Cotton Classification Method at the County Scale Based on Multi-Features and Random Forest Feature Selection Algorithm and Classifier.

15. GF-2 Data for Lithological Classification Using Texture Features and PCA/ICA Methods in Jixi, Heilongjiang, China.

16. Crop Classification Using MSCDN Classifier and Sparse Auto-Encoders with Non-Negativity Constraints for Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data.

17. SMOTE-Based Weighted Deep Rotation Forest for the Imbalanced Hyperspectral Data Classification.

18. Continuous Multi-Angle Remote Sensing and Its Application in Urban Land Cover Classification.

19. Feature Line Embedding Based on Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

20. SVM-Based Sea Ice Extent Retrieval Using Multisource Scatterometer Measurements.

21. Mountain Tree Species Mapping Using Sentinel-2, PlanetScope, and Airborne HySpex Hyperspectral Imagery.

22. Object-Based Approach Using Very High Spatial Resolution 16-Band WorldView-3 and LiDAR Data for Tree Species Classification in a Broadleaf Forest in Quebec, Canada.

23. Harmonized Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data to Detect Irrigated Areas: An Application in Southern Italy.

24. A Two-stage Deep Domain Adaptation Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

25. Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Classification.

26. Optimized Lithological Mapping from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Using Fused Multi-Classifiers.

27. Feasibility Study on Hyperspectral LiDAR for Ancient Huizhou-Style Architecture Preservation.

28. A Weighted SVM-Based Approach to Tree Species Classification at Individual Tree Crown Level Using LiDAR Data.

29. Novel Knowledge Graph- and Knowledge Reasoning-Based Classification Prototype for OBIA Using High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery.

30. Quantum Based Pseudo-Labelling for Hyperspectral Imagery: A Simple and Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Machine Learning Classifiers.

31. AQE-Net: A Deep Learning Model for Estimating Air Quality of Karachi City from Mobile Images.

32. Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Using Sparse and Smooth Low-Rank Analysis.

33. Stratiform and Convective Rain Classification Using Machine Learning Models and Micro Rain Radar.

34. A 3-Stage Spectral-Spatial Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

35. Segmentation-Based PolSAR Image Classification Using Visual Features: RHLBP and Color Features.

36. Detailed Land Cover Mapping from Multitemporal Landsat-8 Data of Different Cloud Cover.

37. Fusion of Multispectral Aerial Imagery and Vegetation Indices for Machine Learning-Based Ground Classification.

38. Co-Orbital Sentinel 1 and 2 for LULC Mapping with Emphasis on Wetlands in a Mediterranean Setting Based on Machine Learning.

39. Effect of Training Class Label Noise on Classification Performances for Land Cover Mapping with Satellite Image Time Series.

40. Land Cover Classification Based on Fused Data from GF-1 and MODIS NDVI Time Series.

41. Mapping Complex Urban Land Cover from Spaceborne Imagery: The Influence of Spatial Resolution, Spectral Band Set and Classification Approach.

42. Representative Learning via Span-Based Mutual Information for PolSAR Image Classification.

43. A Review of Tree Species Classification Based on Airborne LiDAR Data and Applied Classifiers.

44. Neural Network Based Pavement Condition Assessment with Hyperspectral Images.

45. Development of Spectral Disease Indices for Southern Corn Rust Detection and Severity Classification.

46. Joint Design of the Hardware and the Software of a Radar System with the Mixed Grey Wolf Optimizer: Application to Security Check.

47. Shoreline Extraction from WorldView2 Satellite Data in the Presence of Foam Pixels Using Multispectral Classification Method.

48. Multi-Decadal Changes in Mangrove Extent, Age and Species in the Red River Estuaries of Viet Nam.

49. Sentinel-2 Data for Land Cover/Use Mapping: A Review.

50. Meta-XGBoost for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Extended MSER-Guided Morphological Profiles.