This article will briefly review resources in youth ministry--two groundbreaking classics and a recent surge of good work--that can guide the footsteps of those who work with teens within faith communities. The best resources for ministry with teens engage mind, body, and spirit--always moving toward the practical step of inviting new action in the world. They involve youth and teens reflecting and acting together in ways that are both enjoyable and faithful. If a resource can do this while also contributing to a foundation of sound theology and gleaning from the social sciences, it takes a prime place on the author's book shelf and on the syllabi created for teaching youth ministry. "The Godbearing Life: The Art of Soul Tending for Youth Ministry," (Kenda Creasy Dean and Ron Foster) teaches that youth ministry is not a separate animal (as it is so often treated in mainline churches), but is intricately interwoven with the whole congregation. Good ministry with youth happens when the gifts of youth are called out to be shared faithfully with the church and the world. Youth ministry is not just games and pizza, and this book shows both seminary graduates and youth directors how to shape faithful ministry with teens. The second book reviewed, "Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens," (Dorothy Bass and Don C. Richter) includes chapters co-written by youth and adults on Christian thinking about everyday practices such as eating, owning, praying, and befriending. Along with its leader's guide, this book provides a hands-on guide to engaging Christian practices and traditions as they are reconceived for new generations. These two books inaugurated a new day for youth ministries--a day marked by the hope of re-energizing the signature gifts of mainline denominations for ministry with teens and by teens. The author also describes other resources that illustrate the current trend toward youth-birthed youth ministries, including: David White's "Practicing Discernment," Katherine Turpin's "Branded," Mark Yaconelli's "Contemplative Youth Ministry," Anne Streaty Wimberly's "Make it Real," Evelyn Parker's "The Sacred Selves of Girls," Don Richter's "Making Missions Matter," and a book co-written by this author and Joyce Mercer, "Lives to Offer: Accompanying Youth on the Quest for Vocation." (Contains 3 footnotes.)