
Showing total 38 results
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1. Hamilton cycles containing randomly selected edges in random regular graphs

2. Coloring nonuniform hypergraphs: A new algorithmic approach to the general Lov�sz local lemma

3. Approximating the unsatisfiability threshold of random formulas

4. Corrigendum: The complexity of counting graph homomorphisms

5. A (1 + ?)-approximation algorithm for partitioning hypergraphs using a new algorithmic version of the Lov�sz Local Lemma

6. Counting the onion

7. Divide and conquer martingales and the number of triangles in a random graph

8. On the number of full levels in tries

9. Perfect matchings in random uniform hypergraphs

10. Deterministic approximation of the cover time

11. The shortest disjunctive normal form of a random Boolean function

12. How many random edges make a dense graph hamiltonian?

13. Random dyadic tilings of the unit square

14. On the asymmetry of random regular graphs and random graphs

15. Decycling numbers of random regular graphs

16. Nonrepetitive colorings of graphs

17. A unified approach to the analysis of Horton-Strahler parameters of binary tree structures

18. The decomposition threshold for bipartite graphs with minimum degree one

19. Property testers for dense constraint satisfaction programs on finite domains

20. Concentration of non-Lipschitz functions and applications

21. The infamous upper tail

22. Growth of components in random graphs

23. Mixing properties of the Swendsen-Wang process on classes of graphs

24. On the internal path length ofd-dimensional quad trees

25. Static and Dynamic Path Selection on Expander Graphs: A Random Walk Approach

26. Finding a large hidden clique in a random graph

27. An algorithmic version of the blow-up lemma

28. Some typical properties of large AND/OR Boolean formulas

29. Algorithmic theory of random graphs

30. Analysis of a splitting process arising in probabilistic counting and other related algorithms

31. Boolean complexity classes vs. their arithmetic analogs

32. On the square of a Hamiltonian cycle in dense graphs

33. On graphs with the maximum number of spanning trees

34. On sampling with Markov chains

35. Asymptotic packing and the random greedy algorithm

36. Algorithmic Chernoff‐Hoeffding inequalities in integer programming

37. On the impossibility of amplifying the independence of random variables

38. On the structure of random plane-oriented recursive trees and their branches