
Showing total 39 results
39 results

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1. Graphons, permutons and the Thoma simplex: three mod‐Gaussian moduli spaces

2. The twist for positroid varieties

3. Alternating subgroups of exceptional groups of Lie type

4. An inhomogeneous transference principle and Diophantine approximation

5. MACKEY FORMULA IN TYPE A (Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 80 (2000) 545–574)

6. Cusps of hyperbolic 4‐manifolds and rational homology spheres

7. Dirac–Coulomb operators with general charge distribution II. The lowest eigenvalue

8. Strong solution for Korteweg system in bmo−1(RN) with initial density in L∞

9. Cohen–Macaulay modules over the algebra of planar quasi–invariants and Calogero–Moser systems

10. On the problem of existence in principal value of a Calderón–Zygmund operator on a space of non‐homogeneous type

11. Exponents governing the rarity of disjoint polymers in Brownian last passage percolation

12. Cwikel estimates revisited

13. Bounds on layer potentials with rough inputs for higher order elliptic equations

14. On the interplay between embedded graphs and delta-matroids

15. Second descent and rational points on Kummer varieties

16. Positive trace polynomials and the universal Procesi-Schacher conjecture

17. The logarithm map, its limits and Fréchet means in orthant spaces

18. Rational points of bounded height on general conic bundle surfaces

19. On integrability in Grassmann geometries: integrable systems associated with fourfolds in Gr(3,5)

20. Compact complex manifolds with small Gauduchon cone

21. On conjugacy separability of fibre products

22. Embedded area-constrained Willmore tori of small area in Riemannian three-manifolds I: minimization

23. On regularity and the word problem for free idempotent generated semigroups

24. Reconstruction for the signature of a rough path

25. Calabi–Yau caps, uniruled caps and symplectic fillings

26. Explicit log Fano structures on blow-ups of projective spaces

27. Real holomorphic curves and invariant global surfaces of section

28. Universal graded Specht modules for cyclotomic Hecke algebras

29. Extending a valuation centred in a local domain to the formal completion

30. Counting smooth solutions to the equation A +B =C

31. Planar relative Schottky sets and quasisymmetric maps

32. Hilbert C*-modules over a commutative C*-algebra

33. Spectral pollution and how to avoid it

34. Angled decompositions of arborescent link complements


36. Extremal mappings of finite distortion

37. Subgroup families controlling p-local finite groups

38. The Gromov-Witten Potential of A Point, Hurwitz Numbers, and Hodge Integrals

39. The Geometric Finiteness Obstruction