The property of having no C' first integrals other than constants is shown to be generic in Diffr( M) for each r = 1, 2,..., where n is the dimension of M. Let M be a compact Riemannian manifold, and consider the space Diff r(M) of the Cr diffeomorphisms from M to itself with the Cr topology. Peixoto has shown in [2] that the property of having no smooth first integrals other than constants is C' generic. This note describes how a combination of ideas of Arraut [1] and Takens [5] yields a proof that the nonexistence of (sufficiently) smooth, nonconstant first integrals is Cr generic for any r = 1, 2,..., x. If f: M -* M is a diffeomorphism, then a map g: M -R is a first integral of f if (i) g is constant along f-orbits: g(f(x)) = g(x) for all x in M, and (ii) g is not a constant. Peixoto's proof in [2] that the nonexistence of sufficiently smooth first integrals is a C' generic property is based on three observations. First, Sard's theorem implies that if g is sufficiently smooth (Cn where n is the dimension of M), and has no regular values in its image, then g is constant. Second, by Pugh's general density theorem, the property of having the nonwandering set equal to the closure of the hyperbolic periodic points is generic in Diff'(M) [3]. This is why Peixoto's argument works only to establish C' genericity. Third, if g is a C' first integral of f and p is a hyperbolic periodic point of f, then p is necessarily a critical point of g. Peixoto establishes this using a geometric argument based on the stable manifold theorem; a more elementary proof can be found in [4]. For f satisfying Pugh's genericity condition, it follows from continuity that every nonwandering point of f is a critical point of g. Since M is compact, every level set of g contains nonwandering points, so g has no regular values in its image, and thus is constant. By combining a theorem of Takens and an argument due to Arraut we can avoid using Pugh's theorem and so obtain the following result: THEOREM. Suppose M is a compact manifold of dimension n. For each r= 1, 2, ..., x, there is a residual subset Sr of Diff r(M) with the property that if f is in Sr then no Cr first integral off has any regular values in its image. In particular, if r > n, then no f in Sr has any nonconstant Cr first integrals. Received by the editors September 5, 1985. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 58F35.