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1. A note on my paper: 'On symmetric matrices whose eigenvalues satisfy linear inequalities'

2. Eigenvalues of weighted 𝑝-Laplacian

3. Countable random 𝑝-groups with prescribed Ulm-invariants

4. Every three-point set is zero dimensional

5. Strongly meager sets and their uniformly continuous images

6. Adjacency preserving mappings of invariant subspaces of a null system

7. Completely bounded isomorphisms of operator algebras

8. There are knots whose tunnel numbers go down under connected sum

9. Younger mates and the Jacobian conjecture

10. Bounds for the Betti numbers of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals

11. On the left ideal in the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie group generated by a complex Lie subalgebra

12. Infinite-ods in arcwise connected continua

13. Ordered subrings of the reals in which output sets are recursively enumerable

14. The axiom of choice, fixed point theorems, and inductive ordered sets

15. Ordered rings over which output sets are recursively enumerable sets

16. A counterexample for Kobayashi completeness of balanced domains

17. On the divisor of involutions in an elliptic modular surface

18. On quasi-continuous rings

19. Pathwise connectivity of the spatial numerical range

20. On a Generalized Punctured Neighborhood Theorem in L (X)

21. A counterexample to the deformation conjecture for uniform tree lattices

22. A containment result in 𝑃ⁿ and the Chudnovsky Conjecture

23. Generalized polynomial modules over the Virasoro algebra

24. Krull and global dimensions of fully bounded Noetherian rings

25. Injective objects in the category of 𝑝-rings

26. Applications of a set-theoretic lemma

27. Construction of Steiner quadruple systems having large numbers of nonisomorphic associated Steiner triple systems

28. The strong limit of von Neumann subalgebras with conditional expectations

29. A cancellation criterion for finite-rank torsion-free abelian groups

30. Nonisoclinic 2-codimensional 4-webs of maximum 2-rank

31. Multiple disjointness for weakly mixing regular minimal flows

32. A new proof of the equivalence of the Hahn-Banach extension and the least upper bound properties

33. Indecomposable decompositions and the minimal direct summand containing the nilpotents

34. The conjugacy problem for graph products with cyclic edge groups

35. Rotation invariant ideals in subalgebras of 𝐿^{∞}

36. Homology classes which are represented by graph links

37. On finitely generated and projective extensions of Banach algebras

38. On measures of column indecomposability

39. The first coefficient of the Conway polynomial

40. Representations of solvable Lie algebras. IV. An elementary proof of the (𝑈/𝑃)_{𝐸}-structure theorem

41. Invariant subspaces of von Neumann algebras. II

42. A simple construction for rigid and weakly homogeneous Boolean algebras answering a question of Rubin

43. Global solvability of an abstract complex

44. Boolean reducts of relation and cylindric algebras and the cube problem

45. Riesz theory without axiom of choice

46. Brauer group of fibrations and symmetric products of curves

47. Regular convergence of manifolds with boundary

48. Bi-unitary perfect numbers

49. Monotone mapping properties of hereditarily infinite dimensional spaces

50. Bounded approximation by polynomials whose zeros lie on a circle