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1. A note on my paper: 'On symmetric matrices whose eigenvalues satisfy linear inequalities'

2. Injective objects in the category of 𝑝-rings

3. Regular convergence of manifolds with boundary

4. Bi-unitary perfect numbers

5. Monotone mapping properties of hereditarily infinite dimensional spaces

6. Bounded approximation by polynomials whose zeros lie on a circle

7. A sufficient condition for countable-set aposyndesis

8. Direct product decomposition of commutative semi-simple rings

9. A splitting ring of global dimension two

10. Pseudo-complements in posets

11. Certain finite nonprojective geometries without the axiom of parallels

12. On ramified complete discrete valuation rings

13. A fixed point theorem for semi-groups of mappings with a contractive iterate

14. On a theorem of Fell

15. The convergence determining class of connected open sets in product spaces

16. A variant of Helly’s theorem

17. Representation of algebraic groups preserving quaternion skew-hermitian forms

18. A short proof and generalization of a measure theoretic disjointization lemma

19. On Lie rings satisfying the fourth Engel condition

20. Semimodular posets and the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition

21. Dual transitivity in finite projective planes

22. On the range of a homomorphism of a group algebra into a measure algebra

23. Well-known ${\rm LCA}$ groups characterized by their closed subgroups

24. Every countable-codimensional subspace of a barrelled space is barrelled

25. A commutative diagram and an application to differentiable transformation groups

26. Easy constructions in complexity theory: Gap and speed-up theorems

27. Self-universal crumpled cubes and a dogbone space

28. A new result concerning the structure of odd perfect numbers

29. Group rings satisfying a polynomial identity. III

30. A note on semitopological classes

31. 𝑃𝐿 involutions on lens spaces and other 3-manifolds

32. ℒ-realcompactifications as epireflections

33. Proving Kneser’s theorem for finite groups by another 𝑒-transform

34. Weighted representations of a primitive algebra

35. Transformation groups of automorphisms of 𝐶(𝑋,𝐺)

36. Fixed-point theorems for certain classes of nonexpansive mappings

37. Note on Hahn’s theorem on ordered abelian groups

38. Extending uniformly continuous pseudo-ultrametrics and uniform retracts

39. Sylow 𝑝-subgroups of the classical groups over finite fields with characteristic prime to 𝑝

40. 𝑃𝐿 involutions of some 3-manifolds

41. Convergence of sequences of complex terms defined by iteration

42. Central separable algebras which are locally endomorphism rings of free modules

43. A maximum modulus property of maximal subalgebras

44. Solvable groups admitting a fixed-point-free automorphism of prime power order

45. A root of unity occurring in partition theory

46. 𝑝-solvable groups with few automorphism classes of subgroups of order 𝑝

47. Coefficients for the area theorem

48. The structure of a lattice-ordered group as determined by its prime subgroups

49. Conditions for continuity of certain open monotone functions

50. On partially ordered groups satisfying the Riesz interpolation property