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101 results

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1. On a paper of S S Pillai

2. Blocking sets of tangent and external lines to an elliptic quadric in PG(3, q)

3. On the automorphism group of doubled Grassmann graphs

4. Congruences for two restricted overpartitions

5. Nilpotent groups related to an automorphism

6. On the mean value of generalized Dirichlet $${\varvec{L}}$$-functions with weight of the character sums

7. Slim exceptional set for sums of mixed powers of primes

8. A family of tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs

9. Linear resolutions and polymatroidal ideals

10. A lower bound for the tail probability of partial maxima of dependent random variables and applications

11. n-Color palindromic compositions with restricted subscripts

12. On the automorphism groups of connected bipartite irreducible graphs

13. The exact 2-domination number of generalized Petersen graphs

14. On Betti numbers in the linear strand and regularity of triangular graphs

15. Completely mixed bimatrix games

16. A submultiplicative property of the Carathéodory metric on planar domains

17. Palindromic width of graph of groups

18. Prime intersection graph of ideals of a ring

19. Rainbow 2-connectivity of edge-comb product of a cycle and a Hamiltonian graph

20. Exceptional set in Waring–Goldbach problem: Two squares, two cubes and two sixth powers

21. Finite groups with exactly one composite conjugacy class size

22. On the partition dimension of two-component graphs

23. Connected size Ramsey number for matchings vs. small stars or cycles

24. Some infinite families of Ramsey ( $${\varvec{P}}_\mathbf{3},{\varvec{P}}_{{\varvec{n}}}$$ P 3 , P n )-minimal trees

25. Integral pentavalent Cayley graphs on abelian or dihedral groups

26. Counting rises and levels in r-color compositions

27. Some irreducibility and indecomposability results for truncated binomial polynomials of small degree

28. Weak convergence of the past and future of Brownian motion given the present

29. Certain variants of multipermutohedron ideals

30. On solutions of the diophantine equation $$\varvec{F_{n}-F_{m}=3^{a}}$$

31. On the rational closure of connected closed subgroups of connected simply connected nilpotent Lie groups

32. Heptavalent symmetric graphs of order $$\varvec{24p}$$

33. On a Ramanujan’s Eisenstein series identity of level fifteen

34. On $${{\varvec{c}}}$$-capability and $${{\varvec{n}}}$$-isoclinic families of a specific class of groups

35. Determinant formulas of some Toeplitz–Hessenberg matrices with Catalan entries

36. Euler’s criterion for eleventh power nonresidues

37. Combinatorial identities for tenth order mock theta functions

38. Comparison of graphs associated to a commutative Artinian ring

39. A generalization of sumset and its applications

40. On the family of elliptic curves $$\varvec{y^2=x^3-m^2x+p^2}$$ y 2 = x 3 - m 2 x + p 2

41. Primes of the form x 2 + d y 2 with x ≡ 0(mod N) or y ≡ 0(mod N)

42. On arrangements of pseudohyperplanes

43. Perfect 2-colorings of the generalized Petersen graph

44. ℳ ∗ $\boldsymbol {\mathcal {M}}^{*}$ -supplemented subgroups of finite groups

45. Structures of generalized 3-circular projections for symmetric norms

46. Quantitative metric theory of continued fractions

47. (3, 1)*-Choosability of graphs of nonnegative characteristic without intersecting short cycles

48. Existence of non-abelian representations of the near hexagon Q(5,2)⊗Q(5,2)

49. Some sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian property in terms of Wiener-type invariants

50. A new characterization of L 2(p) by NSE