1. K zgodovini naborov v Kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji
- Author
Zajc, Marko
- Subjects
military service ,vojska ,nabor ,Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens/Yugoslavia ,Kraljevina SHS/Jugoslavija ,conscription ,military ,vojaštvo - Abstract
Conscription represents one of the most important contacts between the military and civilian sphere. From the point of view of the state, conscription represents a "debt to one's country", while for young men it is an important turning point in life. In any case, it is a transformation, supposedly making men out of boys. The authorities promoted this "initiation" component, since thus the army gained new significance - it supposedly helped to shape the nation. Due to unitarianism in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia, the significance of the military for the shaping of the nation was even more pronounced. However, the period of "transformation" into manhood involved drinking sprees and revelry, which the authorities tried to prevent. The author focuses on the organisation of recruitment in the Drava Banate in the years 1937-40. Serving alcohol was forbidden, but the recruits would get drunk anyway. Riots as well as political incidents would frequently take place. Civilian authorities at the lowest level were often ineffective, failing to bring the recruits to the assembly point. Conscription gave rise to interesting events, making the everyday life of local communities more interesting, regardless of whether the people were entertained or shocked by the recruits., Nabori predstavljajo eno izmed najbolj pomembnih točk stika med vojaško in civilno sfero. S stališča države predstavlja vojaška obveznost "dolg domovini", s stališča mladeničev pa pomeni nabor veliko prelomnico v življenju. V vsakem primeru gre za prehod, ki naj bi naredil iz fanta moža. To "iniciacijsko" komponento so oblasti podpirale, ker je vojska pridobila na pomenu - pomagala naj bi oblikovati narod. V Kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji je bila zaradi unitarizma narodotvorna vloga vojske še bolj poudarjena. Obdobje "prehoda" v moškost pa je bilo povezano s pijančevanjem in veseljačenjem, kar so poskušale oblasti preprečiti. Avtor na temelju arhivskih virov obravnava organizacijo naborov v Dravski banovini v letih 1937-1940. Točenje alkohola je bilo prepovedano, a so se naborniki kljub temu napili. Prihajalo je do izgredov, dogajali so se tudi politični incidenti. Največkrat so pri organizaciji odpovedale civilne oblasti na najnižjem nivoju, ki niso uspele privesti nabornikov na zbirno mesto. Nabori so bili zanimivi dogodki, ki so popestrili vsakdan lokalne skupnosti, ne glede na to, ali so naborniki ljudi zabavali ali pa so povzročali zgražanje.
- Published
- 2008