1. Viri akumulacije kapitala na Slovenskem v 19. stoletju
- Author
Granda, Stane
- Subjects
gospodarska politika ,slovenska zgodovina ,trgovina ,avstrijska monarhija ,18. stoletje - Abstract
In his introduction the author stresses the significance of the policy and measures of the Austrian emperors in 18th Century manifested also in the proclamation of Trieste and Rijeka as free ports. Trade links with these two ports ensured the sale of home produce and products and served as a bridge between the Adriatic and the Panonian plane, which allowed the accumulation of small, medium and large capital. The most active in these processes were numerous riiral merchants, who had moved from the countryside into towns where they rapidly developed and spread their trade. The old nobility and the bourgeois, however, showed little spirit of enterprise. The same goes for a number of capitalists who, after having achieved a swift success, retired as rentiers., Avtor opozarja na velik pomen politike in ukrepov avstrijskih vladarjev 18. stoletja, ki so se izražali v proglasitvi Trsta in Reke za svobodni pristanišči. Prav trgovske zveze s tema mestoma, bodisi da gre za prodajo deželnih pridelkov in izdelkov ali pa za posredništvo med Jadranom in Panonsko nižino, ustvarjajo male, srednje in velike kapitale. V teh procesih so aktivni številni kmečki trgovci, ki so se preselili v mesto in svojo dejavnost razvejali na številna področja. Staro plemstvo in meščanstvo je kazalo malo poslovnega duha. Tudi nekateri naglo uspeli kapitalisti so se razmeroma hitro zadovoljili z doseženim in se preselili med rentnike.
- Published
- 1994