In 6% of 854 patients in a city general practice anemia was found. Anemia was defined by WHO criteria. An algorithm for the evaluation of the cause includes patient's history and the high patient's age, iron deficiency, chronic disease and malignancy were frequent for anemia, too. 35% of patients had more than one cause of anemia. The results are compared with other sparse reports from general practices and are discussed regarding the particular situation in the elderly. Key words: causes of anemia - general practice - anemia in the elderly - renal anemia - iron deficiency laboratory investigations inclusive of reticulocyte count, serum ferritin with CRP, serum vitamin B12, serum or erythrocyte folate and serum creatinine, depending on clinical situation and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). Median age of the patients was 77 years. The most frequent underlying cause of anemia was chronic renal failure (in 21%). According to the high patient's age, iron deficiency, chronic disease and malignancy were frequent for anemia, too. 35% of patients had more than one cause of anemia. The results are compared with other sparse reports from general practices and are discussed regarding the particular situation in the elderly. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]