U ovom je radu prikazana metodologija izbora mogućih atributa koji utječu na percepciju kvalitete lučke usluge. Svrha istraživanja je sažimanje velikog broja atributa kvalitete lučke usluge na manji broj atributa koji se mogu grupirati u zajedničke faktore, što je rezultiralo strukturnim modelom kojeg se jednostavnije može protumačiti i testirati na konkretnom primjeru. Autori su postavili hipotezu da prikazani atributi najbolje objašnjavaju dvije dimenzije kvalitete lučke usluge: pouzdanost i kompetentnost. Metodom glavnih komponenata napravljen je optimalan izbor atributa, a eksploratornom faktorskom analizom distribucija atributa po faktorima. Primjenom konfirmativne faktorske analize definiran je strukturni model za koji je utvrđena prilagodljivost rezultatima provedene ankete na uzorku studenata Pomorskog fakulteta u Rijeci., The methods of choosing the possible attributes affecting the perception of the port service quality are presented in this paper. The purpose of the study is to reduce a great number of the port service quality attributes to a smaller number of attributes, grouped in common factors. Thus, a structural model, much easier to be explained and tested on the concrete example, has been obtained. The hypothesis is put forward stating that the two dimensions of the port service quality: reliability and competence are best explained by the attributes presented. An optimal selection of attributes has been made by the principal component analysis, while the attribute distribution has been obtained by the exploratory factor analysis. The confirmative factor analysis has been used to define the structural model, adaptable to the results of the questionnaire submitted to the sample of students of the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka, Croatia.