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108 results

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1. Correlation between stabilizer consumption and degree of polymerization of thermally upgraded paper aged in insulating natural ester and insulating mineral oil

2. Films of post-consumer polypropylene composites for the support layer in synthetic paper

3. Cellulose fiber network as reinforcement of thermoplastic paraffin films

4. Sacolas plásticas: destinações sustentáveis e alternativas de substituição Plastic bags: sustainable disposal and alternative routes to their substitution

5. Alternative materials to shorten injection mold manufacturing and molding cycles

6. Thermal evaluation of the calcium stearate influence on polystyrene by in-line colorimetry

7. All-polymer-based ammonia gas sensor: applying insights from the morphology-driven ac electrical performance

8. Preparation and characterization of composites from plastic waste and sugar cane fiber

9. Conductive Amazon açaí/polyaniline composite fiber: fabrication and properties

10. Sistemas inteligentes de embalagens utilizando filmes de quitosana como indicador colorimétrico de temperatura Alternative intelligent material for packaging using chitosan films as colorimetric temperature indicators

11. Bibliometric survey of the PVC production - Part I: the continuous polymerization challenge

12. Development and characterization of sodium polyacrylate/bentonite hydrogel with epoxy resin coating

13. Poli(Etileno Naftalato) - PEN: uma revisão do seu histórico e as principais tendências de sua aplicação mundial Poly(ethylene naphtalate) - PEN: historical review and main trends in world application

14. Poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(glycerol) dendrimer hydrogel mediated green synthesis of silver nanoparticles

15. Interactions of PP-PET blends modified by montmorillonite with different polarities

16. Use of biodegradable polymer for development of environmental tracers: a bibliometric review

17. Experimental investigation on stacking sequence of Kevlar and natural fibres/epoxy polymer composites

18. Evaluation of fracture toughness of epoxy polymer composite incorporating micro/nano silica, rubber and CNTs

19. Advances and perspectives in the use of polymers in the environmental area: a specific case of PBS in bioremediation

20. Disposable coffee capsules as a source of recycled polypropylene

21. Synthesis and performance of AM/SSS/THDAB as clay hydration dispersion inhibitor

22. UATR and NIRA evaluation in the quantification of ATBC in NC blends

23. FSSC 22000 Packaging Implementation: a Plastics Industry Research

24. Nitrile rubber and carboxylated nitrile rubber resistance to soybean biodiesel

25. Extraction and analysis of the parietal polysaccharides of acorn pericarps from Quercus trees

26. Preliminary analysis of N-vinylpyrrolidone based polymer gel dosimeter

27. Cellulose nanomaterials: size and surface influence on the thermal and rheological behavior

28. Curing and thermal behavior of epoxy resins of hexafluoro - bisphenol –A and bisphenol-A

29. Development of dual-sensitive smart polymers by grafting chitosan with poly (N-isopropylacrylamide): an overview

30. Simulation of temperature effect on the structure control of polystyrene obtained by atom-transfer radical polymerization

31. Vegetal fibers in polymeric composites: a review

32. Cowper-Symonds parameters estimation for ABS material using design of experiments with finite element simulation

33. Evaluation of the influence of the use of waste from the processing of rice in physicochemical properties and biodegradability of PHB in composites

34. Sugarcane bagasse ash: new filler to natural rubber composite

35. Effect of the properties of natural resin binder in a high friction composite material

36. Caracterização morfológica de nanomembranas de poliamida-66 dopadas com grafeno obtidas por electrospinning Morphological characterization of polyamide-66 nanomembranes with graphene obtained by electrospinning

37. Cellulose-reinforced composites: from micro-to nanoscale

38. Síntesis de hidrogeles termosensibles de poli(N‑isopropilacrilamida)-co-poli(N,N,-dimetilacrilamida) Synthesis of thermosensitive hydrogels of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-co-poly(n,n-dimethylacrylamide)

39. Polysaccharide-based biomaterials with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties

40. Blendas PHB/copoliésteres biodegradáveis : biodegradação em solo Biodegradable PHB/copolyester blends : biodegradation in soil

41. Determination of phthalates in polymer materials - comparison of GC/MS and GC/ECD methods

42. Influência do uso do poliol reciclado obtido pela glicólise na preparação da espuma rígida de poliuretano Influence of the use of recycled polyols obtained by glycolysis on the preparation of rigid polyurethane foam

43. Influence of Reprocessing in the formation of functional groups during low density polyethylene aging

44. Análise térmica da poliacrilonitrila plastificada com glicerol em extrusora Thermal analysis of extruded polyacrylonitrile plasticized by glycerol

45. Influence of Reprocessing in the formation of functional groups during low density polyethylene aging

46. Estudo do comportamento de compostos de PVC com adição de amido Study of the behavior of PVC compounds with added starch

47. Síntesis de microcápsulas de poliurea a partir de aminas renovables, mediante doble emulsificación Synthesis of polyurea microcapsules from renewable amines by double emulsification

48. Síntesis de poli ácido láctico y poli ricinoleato empleando calentamiento por microondas y su utilización en la producción de termoplasticos de poliuretano Synthesis of poly lactic acid and poly ricinoleate using microwave heating and their use in the production of polyurethane thermoplastic

49. Reciclagem de rejeitos de poli(tereftalato de etileno) (PET) e de poliamida (PA) por meio de extrusão reativa para a preparação de blendas Recycling of wastes from poly(ethylene tereftalate) (PET) and polyamide (PA) by reactive extrusion for preparation of polymeric blends

50. Produção de alginato por microrganismos Alginate production by microorganisms