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1. Preparation for airway management in Australia and New Zealand ICUs during the COVID -19 pandemic.

2. The outcomes of patients with kidney failure due to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in Australia and New Zealand: A cohort study using the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA).

3. Not just quantity but also quality of language: Cross-cultural comparisons of maternal mental state talk in New Zealand, Australia, and China.

4. Getting DBT online down under: The experience of Australian and New Zealand Dialectical Behaviour Therapy programmes during the Covid-19 pandemic.

5. Correlation of the antibacterial activity of commercial manuka and Leptospermum honeys from Australia and New Zealand with methylglyoxal content and other physicochemical characteristics.

6. An Evaluation of Nearly-Extinct Cohort Methods for Estimating the Very Elderly Populations of Australia and New Zealand.

7. Fixed Effects Modelling for Provider Mortality Outcomes: Analysis of the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) Adult Patient Data-Base.

8. Consumer demand for healthy beverages in the hospitality industry: Examining willingness to pay a premium, and barriers to purchase.

9. An exploration of barriers and enablers to the conduct and application of research among complementary and alternative medicine stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand: A qualitative descriptive study.

10. Development and validation of a new microplate assay that utilises optical density to quantify the antibacterial activity of honeys including Jarrah, Marri and Manuka.

11. Genotype by environment interaction for growth and Dothistroma resistance and clonal connectivity between environments in radiata pine in New Zealand and Australia.

12. A Multi-Site Study of Norovirus Molecular Epidemiology in Australia and New Zealand, 2013-2014.

13. Widening Consumer Access to Medicines: A Comparison of Prescription to Non-Prescription Medicine Switch in Australia and New Zealand.

14. Global Patterns and Drivers of Avian Extinctions at the Species and Subspecies Level.

15. Out of Their Depth? Isolated Deep Populations of the Cosmopolitan Coral Desmophyllum dianthus May Be Highly Vulnerable to Environmental Change.

16. International Migration of Doctors, and Its Impact on Availability of Psychiatrists in Low and Middle Income Countries.

17. Ancient DNA Resolves Identity and Phylogeny of New Zealand's Extinct and Living Quail (Coturnix sp.).

18. General Practice and Pandemic Influenza: A Framework for Planning and Comparison of Plans in Five Countries.

19. Risk and protective factors for self-harm and suicide behaviours among serving and ex-serving personnel of the UK Armed Forces, Canadian Armed Forces, Australian Defence Force and New Zealand Defence Force: A systematic review.

20. Validating the Unmind Index as a measure of mental health and wellbeing among adults in USA, Australia, and New Zealand.

21. A novel comprehensive metric to assess effectiveness of COVID-19 testing: Inter-country comparison and association with geography, government, and policy response.

22. An economic analysis of a contingency model utilising vaccination for the control of equine influenza in a non-endemic country.