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1. Public expenditure on Non-Communicable Diseases & Injuries in India: A budget-based analysis.

2. Predicting population age structures of China, India, and Vietnam by 2030 based on compositional data.

3. Microbiome profiling of the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).

4. User preferences for a contraceptive microarray patch in India and Nigeria: Qualitative research on what women want.

5. The causal nexus between energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth: New evidence from China, India and G7 countries using convergent cross mapping.

6. Does caste determine farmer access to quality information?

7. Localised estimates and spatial mapping of poverty incidence in the state of Bihar in India—An application of small area estimation techniques.

8. Impact of involvement of non-formal health providers on TB case notification among migrant slum-dwelling populations in Odisha, India.

9. Economic burden of cancer in India: Evidence from cross-sectional nationally representative household survey, 2014.

10. Identification of burden hotspots and risk factors for cholera in India: An observational study.

11. Out-of-Pocket Spending on Out-Patient Care in India: Assessment and Options Based on Results from a District Level Survey.

12. The Systematic Medical Appraisal, Referral and Treatment (SMART) Mental Health Project: Development and Testing of Electronic Decision Support System and Formative Research to Understand Perceptions about Mental Health in Rural India.

13. Nutritional status, cognitive achievement, and educational attainment of children aged 8-11 in rural South India.

14. Can telemedicine initiative be an effective intervention strategy for improving treatment compliance for pediatric HIV patients: Evidences on costs and improvement in treatment compliance from Maharashtra, India.

15. Estimation of the incidence of animal rabies in Punjab, India.

16. Prevalence of afebrile malaria and development of risk-scores for gradation of villages: A study from a hot-spot in Odisha.

17. India’s disability estimates: Limitations and way forward.

18. 'It’s like a burden on the head': Redefining adequate menstrual hygiene management throughout women’s varied life stages in Odisha, India.

19. Do qualifications matter? A qualitative study of how villagers decide their health care providers in a developing economy.

20. Multi-sectoral prioritization of zoonotic diseases: One health perspective from Ahmedabad, India.

21. Using social network analysis to plan, promote and monitor intersectoral collaboration for health in rural India.

22. Association between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular disease risk factors in rural north India: The Solan Surveillance Study.

23. “Without antibiotics, I cannot treat”: A qualitative study of antibiotic use in Paschim Bardhaman district of West Bengal, India.

24. What would it cost to scale-up private sector engagement efforts for tuberculosis care? Evidence from three pilot programs in India.

25. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to antibiotic use in Paschim Bardhaman District: A survey of healthcare providers in West Bengal, India.

26. Comparing the effectiveness of a hybrid and in-person courses of wheelchair service provision knowledge: A controlled quasi-experimental study in India and Mexico.

27. Genetic characterization of fall armyworm infesting South Africa and India indicate recent introduction from a common source population.

28. Pathways to seeking medication abortion care: A qualitative research in Uttar Pradesh, India.

29. Is the push-pull paradigm useful to explain rural-urban migration? A case study in Uttarakhand, India.

30. Burden of household food insecurity in urban slum settings.

31. Cost and operational impact of promoting upfront GeneXpert MTB/RIF test referrals for presumptive pediatric tuberculosis patients in India.

32. Reshuffling the global R&D deck, 1980-2050.

33. SMARThealth India: A stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial of a community health worker managed mobile health intervention for people assessed at high cardiovascular disease risk in rural India.

34. Sociodemographic characteristics of 96 Indian surrogates: Are they disadvantaged compared with the general population?

35. Recovery planning towards doubling wild tiger Panthera tigris numbers: Detailing 18 recovery sites from across the range.

36. Understanding drivers of human-leopard conflicts in the Indian Himalayan region: Spatio-temporal patterns of conflicts and perception of local communities towards conserving large carnivores.

37. Is quality of care during childbirth consistent from admission to discharge? A qualitative study of delivery care in Uttar Pradesh, India.

38. Integrating screening for non-communicable diseases and their risk factors in routine tuberculosis care in Delhi, India: A mixed-methods study.

39. Mid upper arm circumference as a predictor of risk of mortality in children in a low resource setting in India.

40. Burden of bacterial meningitis in India: Preliminary data from a hospital based sentinel surveillance network.

41. Disease-specific out-of-pocket and catastrophic health expenditure on hospitalization in India: Do Indian households face distress health financing?

42. Unacceptable treatment outcomes and associated factors among India's initial cohorts of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients under the revised national TB control programme (2007–2011): Evidence leading to policy enhancement.

43. Livelihood opportunities amongst adults with and without disabilities in Cameroon and India: A case control study.

44. A snapshot of gut microbiota of an adult urban population from Western region of India.

45. Sustainable food security in India—Domestic production and macronutrient availability.

46. Malaria diagnosis by PCR revealed differential distribution of mono and mixed species infections by Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in India.

47. Socioeconomic patterns of underweight and its association with self-rated health, cognition and quality of life among older adults in India.

48. Explaining suicide attempt with personality traits of aggression and impulsivity in a high risk tribal population of India.

49. Diagnostic pathways and direct medical costs incurred by new adult pulmonary tuberculosis patients prior to anti-tuberculosis treatment – Tamil Nadu, India.

50. Can conditional cash transfers improve the uptake of nutrition interventions and household food security? Evidence from Odisha’s Mamata scheme.