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1. Estimating the influence of the network topology on the agility of food supply chains.

2. A Meta-Analysis of Global Urban Land Expansion.

3. The tempo and mode of the taxonomic correction process: How taxonomists have corrected and recorrected North American bird species over the last 127 years.

4. Predictability in evolution: Adaptation of the Bonaire anole (Anolis bonairensis) to an extreme environment.

5. Colonization in North American Arid Lands: The Journey of Agarito (Berberis trifoliolata) Revealed by Multilocus Molecular Data and Packrat Midden Fossil Remains.

6. Locally Downscaled and Spatially Customizable Climate Data for Historical and Future Periods for North America.

7. Improved Predictions of the Geographic Distribution of Invasive Plants Using Climatic Niche Models.

8. Average Stand Age from Forest Inventory Plots Does Not Describe Historical Fire Regimes in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed-Conifer Forests of Western North America.

9. Seeing the Forest through the Trees: Considering Roost-Site Selection at Multiple Spatial Scales.

10. Impacts of Short-Rotation Early-Growing Season Prescribed Fire on a Ground Nesting Bird in the Central Hardwoods Region of North America.

11. The Potential Impact of White-Nose Syndrome on the Conservation Status of North American Bats.

12. Heterogeneous Occupancy and Density Estimates of the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Waters of North America.

13. Waterfowl Conservation in the US Prairie Pothole Region: Confronting the Complexities of Climate Change.

14. Bird Community Conservation and Carbon Offsets in Western North America.

15. Large-Scale Genetic Structuring of a Widely Distributed Carnivore - The Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx).

16. Fish Functional Traits Correlated with Environmental Variables in a Temperate Biodiversity Hotspot.

17. Design Factors That Influence the Performance of Flight Intercept Traps for the Capture of Longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Subfamilies Lamiinae and Cerambycinae.

18. Influence of Introgression and Geological Processes on Phylogenetic Relationships of Western North American Mountain Suckers (Pantosteus, Catostomidae).

19. Occlusal Enamel Complexity in Middle Miocene to Holocene Equids (Equidae: Perissodactyla) of North America.

20. Fine-Scale Geographical Origin of an Insect Pest Invading North America.

21. Contrasting Spatial Patterns in Active-Fire and Fire-Suppressed Mediterranean Climate Old-Growth Mixed Conifer Forests.

22. RNA Viral Metagenome of Whiteflies Leads to the Discovery and Characterization of a Whitefly-Transmitted Carlavirus in North America.

23. Comparison of the White-Nose Syndrome Agent Pseudogymnoascus destructans to Cave-Dwelling Relatives Suggests Reduced Saprotrophic Enzyme Activity.

24. Modeling Fence Location and Density at a Regional Scale for Use in Wildlife Management.

25. Spatial Variation in Soil Properties among North American Ecosystems and Guidelines for Sampling Designs.

26. Assessment of the Geographic Origins of Pinewood Nematode Isolates via Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Effector Genes.

27. Habitat and Host Indicate Lineage Identity in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides s.l. from Wild and Agricultural Landscapes in North America

28. Warm Springs, Early Lay Dates, and Double Brooding in a North American Migratory Songbird, the Black-Throated Blue Warbler.

29. Population Structure and the Colonization Route of One of the Oldest North American Invasive Insects: Stories from the Worn Road of the Hessian Fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say).

30. First Insights into the Genetic Diversity of the Pinewood Nematode in Its Native Area Using New Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci.

31. Hibernating Little Brown Myotis (Myotis lucifugus) Show Variable Immunological Responses to White-Nose Syndrome.

32. Cooperative Breeding and Long-Distance Dispersal: A Test Using Vagrant Records.

33. Validation of eDNA Surveillance Sensitivity for Detection of Asian Carps in Controlled and Field Experiments.

34. Barcoding a Quantified Food Web: Crypsis, Concepts, Ecology and Hypotheses.

35. Influence of Urbanization on Demography of Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) in the Prairies of North America.

36. An In Situ, Individual-Based Approach to Quantify Connectivity of Marine Fish: Ontogenetic Movements and Residency of Lingcod.