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1. Paper-and-pencil versus computerized administration mode: Comparison of data quality and risk behavior prevalence estimates in the European school Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD)

2. A comparison of smartphone and paper data-collection tools in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) study in Gezira state, Sudan.

3. Reasons to care: Personal motivation as a key factor in the practice of the professional foster carer in Romania.

4. Developing a database for pedestrians’ earthquake emergency evacuation in indoor scenarios.

5. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change.

6. Education of staff in preschool aged classrooms in child care centers and child outcomes: A meta-analysis and systematic review.

7. Quandong stones: A specialised Australian nut-cracking tool.

8. The association between quality measures of medical university press releases and their corresponding news stories—Important information missing.

9. Are we choosing the right flagships? The bird species and traits Australians find most attractive.

10. Assessing the validity and reliability of family factors on physical activity: A case study in Turkey.

11. Perceptions of community safety and social activity participation among youth in South Africa.

12. Relative age effect in elite soccer: More early-born players, but no better valued, and no paragon clubs or countries.

13. The PlantLIBRA consumer survey: Findings on the use of plant food supplements in Italy.

14. Socioeconomic characterization of regions through the lens of individual financial transactions.

15. Micro-level explanations for emergent patterns of self-governance arrangements in small-scale fisheries—A modeling approach.

16. An evolutionarily stable strategy and the critical point of hog futures trading entities based on replicator dynamic theory: 2006–2015 data for China’s 22 provinces.

17. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of a Measure of Staff/Child Interaction Quality (the Classroom Assessment Scoring System) in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings and Child Outcomes.

18. Testing Cross-Cultural Generalizability of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire across American and Chinese Samples.

19. Psychological Differences toward Pedestrian Red Light Crossing between University Students and Their Peers.

20. “Those Comments Last Forever”: Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers Recount How They Became Aware of Their Own Body Weights as Children.

21. Citation gaming induced by bibliometric evaluation: A country-level comparative analysis.

22. In Wrong Anticipation - Miscalibrated Beliefs between Germans, Israelis, and Palestinians.

23. Assessing Individual Intellectual Output in Scientific Research: Mexico’s National System for Evaluating Scholars Performance in the Humanities and the Behavioral Sciences.

24. Online shopping green product quality supervision strategy with consumer feedback and collusion behavior

25. Reasons to care: Personal motivation as a key factor in the practice of the professional foster carer in Romania

26. Navigating behavioral energy sufficiency. Results from a survey in Swiss cities on potential behavior change

27. Trends in NBA and Euroleague basketball: Analysis and comparison of statistical data from 2000 to 2017.

28. Dual-career through the elite university student-athletes’ lenses: The international FISU-EAS survey.

29. An international survey of perceptions of the 2014 FIFA World Cup: National levels of corruption as a context for perceptions of institutional corruption.

30. Knowledge, attitude and behaviors towards patients with mental illness: Results from a national Lebanese study.

31. Drink driving engagement in women: An exploration of context, hazardous alcohol use, and behaviour.

32. Socioeconomic patterns of smoking cessation behavior in low and middle-income countries: Emerging evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Surveys and International Tobacco Control Surveys.

33. Players’ selection for basketball teams, through Performance Index Rating, using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.

34. In-group favouritism and out-group discrimination in naturally occurring groups.

35. Why should we apply ABM for decision analysis for infectious diseases?—An example for dengue interventions.

36. Sampling strategies for species with high breeding-site fidelity: A case study in burrow-nesting seabirds.

37. Validity and reliability of speed tests used in soccer: A systematic review.

38. The effect of maternal education on infant mortality in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

39. Linking knowledge and attitudes: Determining neurotypical knowledge about and attitudes towards autism.

40. “That’s not what was originally agreed to”: Perceptions, outcomes, and legal contextualization of non-consensual condom removal in a Canadian sample.

41. The allometry of proboscis length in Melittidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidae) and an estimate of their foraging distance using museum collections.

42. Global and country-specific mainstreaminess measures: Definitions, analysis, and usage for improving personalized music recommendation systems.

43. Born captive: A survey of the lion breeding, keeping and hunting industries in South Africa.

44. Motivating household water conservation: A field experiment in Singapore.

45. Preadolescent children’s perception of power imbalance in bullying: A thematic analysis.

46. Education and HIV incidence among young women in KwaZulu-Natal: An association but no evidence of a causal protective effect.

47. Help-seeking behavior of Jimma university students with common mental disorders: A cross-sectional study.

48. Pixelating crop production: Consequences of methodological choices.

49. Public finances and tobacco taxation with product variety: Theory and application to Senegal and Nigeria.

50. A multidimensional measure of animal ethics orientation – Developed and applied to a representative sample of the Danish public.