
Showing total 10,075 results
10,075 results

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201. Optimizing predictive performance of criminal recidivism models using registration data with binary and survival outcomes.

202. Standardizing test scores for a target population: The LMS method illustrated using language measures from the SCALES project.

203. In-silico pre-clinical trials are made possible by a new simple and comprehensive lumbar belt mechanical model based on the Law of Laplace including support deformation and adhesion effects.

204. Drug sensitivity prediction with high-dimensional mixture regression.

205. Support vector machine with quantile hyper-spheres for pattern classification.

206. CEO traits, dynamic compensation and capital structure.

207. Reciprocal vs nonreciprocal trade agreements: Which have been best to promote exports?

208. Using deep-learning algorithms to derive basic characteristics of social media users: The Brexit campaign as a case study.

209. Machine learning methods for detecting urinary tract infection and analysing daily living activities in people with dementia.

210. The influence of infiltration feedback on the characteristic of banded vegetation pattern on hillsides of semiarid area.

211. Machine learning framework for assessment of microbial factory performance.

212. Accuracy gains from conservative forecasting: Tests using variations of 19 econometric models to predict 154 elections in 10 countries.

213. Efficient algorithms for Longest Common Subsequence of two bucket orders to speed up pairwise genetic map comparison.

214. A method of partially overlapping point clouds registration based on differential evolution algorithm.

215. Using a stacked-autoencoder neural network model to estimate sea state bias for a radar altimeter.

216. Cryptanalysis and improvement of an elliptic curve based signcryption scheme for firewalls.

217. Two-point-based binary search trees for accelerating big data classification using KNN.

218. Non-significant p-values? Strategies to understand and better determine the importance of effects and interactions in logistic regression.

219. A multi-event combination maintenance model based on event correlation.

220. An empirical study on solving an integrated production and distribution problem with a hybrid strategy.

221. An empirical analysis of post-work grocery shopping activity duration using modified accelerated failure time model to differentiate time-dependent and time-independent covariates.

222. Scan, dwell, decide: Strategies for detecting abnormalities in diabetic retinopathy.

223. Determining minimal output sets that ensure structural identifiability.

224. Exploring resting-state functional connectivity invariants across the lifespan in healthy people by means of a recently proposed graph theoretical model.

225. A hybrid approach based on the analytic hierarchy process and 2-tuple hybrid ordered weighted averaging for location selection of distribution centers.

226. Automatic detection and classification of manufacturing defects in metal boxes using deep neural networks.

227. Hybrid PSO-FLC for dynamic global peak extraction of the partially shaded photovoltaic system.

228. Measuring health of highway network configuration against dynamic Origin-Destination demand network using weighted complex network analysis.

229. Structural, dynamical and symbolic observability: From dynamical systems to networks.

230. Effect of urban tourist satisfaction on urban macroeconomics in China: A spatial panel econometric analysis with a spatial Durbin model.

231. A human body physiological feature selection algorithm based on filtering and improved clustering.

232. Ship roll motion prediction based on ℓ1 regularized extreme learning machine.

233. A genetic algorithm to find optimal reading test word subsets for estimating full-scale IQ.

234. The effect of cash transfer programs on educational mobility.

235. Robust cell particle detection to dense regions and subjective training samples based on prediction of particle center using convolutional neural network.

236. A reassessment of global antenatal care coverage for improving maternal health using sub-Saharan Africa as a case study.

237. Protection of Location Privacy Based on Distributed Collaborative Recommendations.

238. Automated Segmentation of Nuclei in Breast Cancer Histopathology Images.

239. Reputation-Based Investment Helps to Optimize Group Behaviors in Spatial Lattice Networks.

240. Attack Vulnerability of Network Controllability.

241. Product Aspect Clustering by Incorporating Background Knowledge for Opinion Mining.

242. Predicting Fluctuations in Cryptocurrency Transactions Based on User Comments and Replies.

243. The Role of Temporal Trends in Growing Networks.

244. Applying GIS and Machine Learning Methods to Twitter Data for Multiscale Surveillance of Influenza.

245. Coaching as a Developmental Intervention in Organisations: A Systematic Review of Its Effectiveness and the Mechanisms Underlying It.

246. Surveillance of HIV Transmitted Drug Resistance in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

247. A Five-Species Jungle Game.

248. Improved Active Harmonic Current Elimination Based on Voltage Detection.

249. Optimization of Operation Parameters for Helical Flow Cleanout with Supercritical CO2 in Horizontal Wells Using Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network.

250. Collaborative Filtering Recommendation on Users’ Interest Sequences.