
Showing total 1,113 results
1,113 results

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1. Physics driven behavioural clustering of free-falling paper shapes.

2. Author-paper affiliation network architecture influences the methodological quality of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of psoriasis.

3. Poor statistical reporting, inadequate data presentation and spin persist despite editorial advice.

4. Basic color categories and Mandarin Chinese color terms.

5. Hybrid self-optimized clustering model based on citation links and textual features to detect research topics.

6. A differential privacy protecting K-means clustering algorithm based on contour coefficients.

7. Penetration and scattering—Two optical phenomena to consider when applying proximal remote sensing technologies to object classifications.

8. Bibliometrics for Social Validation.

9. Scholarly Context Adrift: Three out of Four URI References Lead to Changed Content.

10. Open Access Meets Discoverability: Citations to Articles Posted to

11. The impact of routine data quality assessments on electronic medical record data quality in Kenya.

12. Biometric recognition via texture features of eye movement trajectories in a visual searching task.

13. Graph-to-signal transformation based classification of functional connectivity brain networks.

14. Low rank and sparsity constrained method for identifying overlapping functional brain networks.

15. Building Global Capacity for Conducting Operational Research Using the SORT IT Model: Where and Who?

16. Shilling attack detection for recommender systems based on credibility of group users and rating time series.

17. On the security of consumer wearable devices in the Internet of Things.

18. Mining telemonitored physiological data and patient-reported outcomes of congestive heart failure patients.

19. Formal comment on: Myhrvold (2016) Dinosaur metabolism and the allometry of maximum growth rate. PLoS ONE; 11(11): e0163205.

20. Understanding disciplinary vocabularies using a full-text enabled domain-independent term extraction approach.

21. Case study of 3D fingerprints applications.

22. A direct method to solve optimal knots of B-spline curves: An application for non-uniform B-spline curves fitting.

23. Automatic ICD-10 coding algorithm using an improved longest common subsequence based on semantic similarity.

24. Multilevel analyses of on-demand medication data, with an application to the treatment of Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder.

25. ECG R-wave peaks marking with simultaneously recorded continuous blood pressure.

26. Drug sensitivity prediction with high-dimensional mixture regression.

27. Using deep-learning algorithms to derive basic characteristics of social media users: The Brexit campaign as a case study.

28. Machine learning methods for detecting urinary tract infection and analysing daily living activities in people with dementia.

29. Scan, dwell, decide: Strategies for detecting abnormalities in diabetic retinopathy.

30. Exploring resting-state functional connectivity invariants across the lifespan in healthy people by means of a recently proposed graph theoretical model.

31. Robust cell particle detection to dense regions and subjective training samples based on prediction of particle center using convolutional neural network.

32. Predicting Fluctuations in Cryptocurrency Transactions Based on User Comments and Replies.

33. Applying GIS and Machine Learning Methods to Twitter Data for Multiscale Surveillance of Influenza.

34. Bootstrapping Q Methodology to Improve the Understanding of Human Perspectives.

35. Improving classification of pollen grain images of the POLEN23E dataset through three different applications of deep learning convolutional neural networks.

36. Automated glioma detection and segmentation using graphical models.

37. Efficient feature selection and classification for microarray data.

38. Introducing chaos behavior to kernel relevance vector machine (RVM) for four-class EEG classification.

39. WASH activities at two Ebola treatment units in Sierra Leone.

40. Capturing multi-stage fuzzy uncertainties in hybrid system dynamics and agent-based models for enhancing policy implementation in health systems research.

41. Optimum strata boundaries and sample sizes in health surveys using auxiliary variables.

42. A novel decision tree classification based on post-pruning with Bayes minimum risk.

43. All metrics are equal, but some metrics are more equal than others: A systematic search and review on the use of the term ‘metric’.

44. Real-time energy-saving metro train rescheduling with primary delay identification.

45. How does the interaction radius affect the performance of intervention on collective behavior?

46. Electrooculography-based continuous eye-writing recognition system for efficient assistive communication systems.

47. An expert botanical feature extraction technique based on phenetic features for identifying plant species.

48. Diffusion-based neuromodulation can eliminate catastrophic forgetting in simple neural networks.

49. Piecing together the puzzle: Improving event content coverage for real-time sub-event detection using adaptive microblog crawling.

50. A novel controller based on state-transition models for closed-loop vagus nerve stimulation: Application to heart rate regulation.