
Showing total 3,173 results
3,173 results

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51. Formation flight and collision avoidance for multiple UAVs based on modified tentacle algorithm in unstructured environments.

52. Hierarchical trie packet classification algorithm based on expectation-maximization clustering.

53. An efficient semi-supervised community detection framework in social networks.

54. Error model of geomagnetic-field measurement and extended Kalman-filter based compensation method.

55. A direct method to solve optimal knots of B-spline curves: An application for non-uniform B-spline curves fitting.

56. Automatic ICD-10 coding algorithm using an improved longest common subsequence based on semantic similarity.

57. Multi-Robot Coalitions Formation with Deadlines: Complexity Analysis and Solutions.

58. AdequacyModel: An R package for probability distributions and general purpose optimization.

59. A fine granularity based user collaboration algorithm for location privacy protection.

60. New principle for busbar protection based on the Euclidean distance algorithm.

61. Social recommendation model based on user interaction in complex social networks.

62. Some comments on Bitcoin market (in)efficiency.

63. Heave compensation prediction based on echo state network with correntropy induced loss function.

64. Novel method of boundary-free mesh parameterization.

65. A new quantum approach to binary classification.

66. The emergent integrated network structure of scientific research.

67. Hypercomplex extreme learning machine with its application in multispectral palmprint recognition.

68. Optimal parameter identification of synthetic gene networks using harmony search algorithm.

69. ECG R-wave peaks marking with simultaneously recorded continuous blood pressure.

70. Energy efficient partition allocation in mixed-criticality systems.

71. Optimizing predictive performance of criminal recidivism models using registration data with binary and survival outcomes.

72. Drug sensitivity prediction with high-dimensional mixture regression.

73. Using deep-learning algorithms to derive basic characteristics of social media users: The Brexit campaign as a case study.

74. Machine learning methods for detecting urinary tract infection and analysing daily living activities in people with dementia.

75. Efficient algorithms for Longest Common Subsequence of two bucket orders to speed up pairwise genetic map comparison.

76. A method of partially overlapping point clouds registration based on differential evolution algorithm.

77. Cryptanalysis and improvement of an elliptic curve based signcryption scheme for firewalls.

78. Two-point-based binary search trees for accelerating big data classification using KNN.

79. An empirical study on solving an integrated production and distribution problem with a hybrid strategy.

80. Determining minimal output sets that ensure structural identifiability.

81. A hybrid approach based on the analytic hierarchy process and 2-tuple hybrid ordered weighted averaging for location selection of distribution centers.

82. A human body physiological feature selection algorithm based on filtering and improved clustering.

83. Ship roll motion prediction based on ℓ1 regularized extreme learning machine.

84. A genetic algorithm to find optimal reading test word subsets for estimating full-scale IQ.

85. Protection of Location Privacy Based on Distributed Collaborative Recommendations.

86. Automated Segmentation of Nuclei in Breast Cancer Histopathology Images.

87. Reputation-Based Investment Helps to Optimize Group Behaviors in Spatial Lattice Networks.

88. Product Aspect Clustering by Incorporating Background Knowledge for Opinion Mining.

89. Predicting Fluctuations in Cryptocurrency Transactions Based on User Comments and Replies.

90. Applying GIS and Machine Learning Methods to Twitter Data for Multiscale Surveillance of Influenza.

91. A Five-Species Jungle Game.

92. Improved Active Harmonic Current Elimination Based on Voltage Detection.

93. Collaborative Filtering Recommendation on Users’ Interest Sequences.

94. Iterative Approximation of Basic Belief Assignment Based on Distance of Evidence.

95. Improving classification of pollen grain images of the POLEN23E dataset through three different applications of deep learning convolutional neural networks.

96. Path optimization of taxi carpooling.

97. Improving the performance of lexicon-based review sentiment analysis method by reducing additional introduced sentiment bias.

98. Continuous patrolling in uncertain environment with the UAV swarm.

99. A novel QoS-aware prediction approach for dynamic web services.

100. Sequence diagram refactoring using single and hybridized algorithms.