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427 results

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1. Epilepsy detection based on multi-head self-attention mechanism.

2. Load forecasting method based on CEEMDAN and TCN-LSTM.

3. Recognition of food images based on transfer learning and ensemble learning.

4. Image steganography techniques for resisting statistical steganalysis attacks: A systematic literature review.

5. An automatic glaucoma grading method based on attention mechanism and EfficientNet-B3 network.

6. Research on short-term power load forecasting based on VMD and GRU.

7. Accelerated construction of stress relief music datasets using CNN and the Mel-scaled spectrogram.

8. A hybrid CNN-SVM model for enhanced autism diagnosis.

9. Convolutional neural network model by deep learning and teaching robot in keyboard musical instrument teaching.

10. A new method for safety helmet detection based on convolutional neural network.

11. Supervised breast cancer prediction using integrated dimensionality reduction convolutional neural network.

12. GADF-VGG16 based fault diagnosis method for HVDC transmission lines.

13. DEW: A wavelet approach of rare sound event detection.

14. Adaptive mask-based brain extraction method for head CT images.

15. A novel fault diagnosis method for second-order bandpass filter circuit based on TQWT-CNN.

16. Numerical stability of DeepGOPlus inference.

17. Detecting COVID-19 from digitized ECG printouts using 1D convolutional neural networks.

18. LERCause: Deep learning approaches for causal sentence identification from nuclear safety reports.

19. Artificial intelligence-based pulmonary embolism classification: Development and validation using real-world data.

20. Self-learning activation functions to increase accuracy of privacy-preserving Convolutional Neural Networks with homomorphic encryption.

21. Vision Transformer with hierarchical structure and windows shifting for person re-identification.

22. Prediction of road dust concentration in open-pit coal mines based on multivariate mixed model.

23. Relation classification via BERT with piecewise convolution and focal loss.

24. Deep learning-based idiomatic expression recognition for the Amharic language.

25. CLAHE-CapsNet: Efficient retina optical coherence tomography classification using capsule networks with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization.

26. Application of an emotional classification model in e-commerce text based on an improved transformer model.

27. CMR-net: A cross modality reconstruction network for multi-modality remote sensing classification.

28. Research on the evolution of cross-platform online public opinion for public health emergencies considering stakeholders.

29. UDBRNet: A novel uncertainty driven boundary refined network for organ at risk segmentation.

30. Seismic resolution improving by a sequential convolutional neural network.

31. Signal automatic modulation based on AMC neural network fusion.

32. Biomedical named entity recognition based on multi-cross attention feature fusion.

33. Scientific text citation analysis using CNN features and ensemble learning model.

34. Short-term prediction of PM2.5 concentration by hybrid neural network based on sequence decomposition.

35. DECTNet: Dual Encoder Network combined convolution and Transformer architecture for medical image segmentation.

36. Dark-Channel Enhanced-Compensation Net: An end-to-end inner-reflection compensation method for immersive projection system.

37. Prediction of hot spots towards drug discovery by protein sequence embedding with 1D convolutional neural network.

38. Attention-grabbing news coverage: Violent images of the Black Lives Matter movement and how they attract user attention on Reddit.

39. An effective behavior recognition method in the video session using convolutional neural network.

40. Small object detection algorithm incorporating swin transformer for tea buds.

41. Automatic diagnosis of depression based on attention mechanism and feature pyramid model.

42. AMDDLmodel: Android smartphones malware detection using deep learning model.

43. Construction of a smart face recognition model for university libraries based on FaceNet-MMAR algorithm.

44. Deep causal speech enhancement and recognition using efficient long-short term memory Recurrent Neural Network.

45. Screening and functional prediction of differentially expressed genes in walnut endocarp during hardening period based on deep neural network under agricultural internet of things.

46. Stock prediction based on bidirectional gated recurrent unit with convolutional neural network and feature selection.

47. MaskID: An effective deep-learning-based algorithm for dense rebar counting.

48. Impacts of multicollinearity on CAPT modalities: An heterogeneous machine learning framework for computer-assisted French phoneme pronunciation training.

49. Real-time counting of wheezing events from lung sounds using deep learning algorithms: Implications for disease prediction and early intervention.

50. A wearable-based sports health monitoring system using CNN and LSTM with self-attentions.