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1. Influence of various chilling methods on the sustainable beef production based on high voltage electrical stimulation

2. Canary in the coliform mine: Exploring the industrial application limits of a microbial respiration alarm system

3. Cellulose-binding activity of a 21-kDa endo-ß-1,4-glucanase lacking cellulose-binding domain and its synergy with other cellulases in the digestive fluid of Aplysia kurodai

4. Inoculum composition determines microbial community and function in an anaerobic sequential batch reactor

5. Testing an Alternative Method for Estimating the Length of Fungal Hyphae Using Photomicrography and Image Processing

6. Correction: Fate of artificial sweeteners through wastewater treatment plants and water treatment processes

7. Trends and gaps in the use of citizen science derived data as input for species distribution models: A quantitative review

8. Measurement of green total factor productivity on Chinese laying hens: From the perspective of regional differences

9. A comprehensive swarming intelligent method for optimizing deep learning-based object detection by unmanned ground vehicles

10. Unsupervised color image segmentation: A case of RGB histogram based K-means clustering initialization

11. Preprocessing 2D data for fast convex hull computations

12. A multicriteria adaptive opportunistic treecast routing protocol for multimedia dissemination in vehicle-to-vehicle telescreen

13. The Impact of Farmers’ Strategic Behavior on the Spread of Animal Infectious Diseases

14. An efficient outlier removal method for scattered point cloud data

15. On the security of consumer wearable devices in the Internet of Things

16. Scientometric study of the effects of exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on fertility: A contribution to understanding the reasons of partial failure

17. A novel controller based on state-transition models for closed-loop vagus nerve stimulation: Application to heart rate regulation

18. A systematic review of elephant impact across Africa

19. Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology?—A Systematic Review

20. The Circulation of Scientific Articles in the Sphere of Web-Based Media: Citation Practices, Communities of Interests and Local Ties

21. An Efficient Supervised Training Algorithm for Multilayer Spiking Neural Networks

22. Why did hunting weapon design change at Abri Pataud? Lithic use-wear data on armature use and hafting around 24,000-22,000 BP

23. Knapping tools in Magdalenian contexts: New evidence from Gough's Cave (Somerset, UK)

24. An improved firefly algorithm with dynamic self-adaptive adjustment

25. A novel feature selection algorithm based on damping oscillation theory

26. Marmoset angiography just by percutaneous puncture of the caudal ventral artery

27. Monthly pork price forecasting method based on Census X12-GM(1,1) combination model

28. Effects of combined tannic acid/fluoride on sulfur transformations and methanogenic pathways in swine manure

29. Poisson noisy image restoration via overlapping group sparse and nonconvex second-order total variation priors

30. Factors related to severe single-vehicle tree crashes: In-depth crash study

31. Loneliness among people with severe mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a linked UK population cohort study

32. On the performance improvement of Butterfly Optimization approaches for global optimization and Feature Selection

33. Variety-seeking, learning and performance

34. Estimation of cost efficiency of fattening pigs, sows, and piglets using SFA approach analysis: Evidence from China

35. Production, reproduction and some adaptation characteristics of Boran cattle breed under changing climate: A systematic review and meta-analysis

36. Productivity, resource efficiency and financial savings: An investigation of the current capabilities and potential of South Australian home food gardens

37. Completeness of Digital Accessible Knowledge (DAK) about terrestrial mammals in the Iberian Peninsula

38. Reassessment of the enigmatic ruminant Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Pecora)

39. Optimising cool-water injections to reduce thermal stress on coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef

40. Artists on the edge of the world: An integrated approach to the study of Magdalenian engraved stone plaquettes from Jersey (Channel Islands)

41. A novel image encryption algorithm based on fractional order 5D cellular neural network and Fisher-Yates scrambling

42. Comparing the estimates of effect obtained from statistical causal inference methods: An example using bovine respiratory disease in feedlot cattle

43. A summary of bird mortality at photovoltaic utility scale solar facilities in the Southwestern U.S

44. Image segmentation using active contours with modified convolutional virtual electric field external force with an edge-stopping function

45. Detecting multiple communities using quantum annealing on the D-Wave system

46. Evidence-based conservation education in Mexican communities: Connecting arts and science

47. Channel-spatial attention network for fewshot classification

48. Characterization of the placental transcriptome through mid to late gestation in the mare

49. Spread of domestic animals across Neolithic western Anatolia: New stable isotope evidence from Uğurlu Höyük, the island of Gökçeada, Turkey

50. An efficient and adaptive data-hiding scheme based on secure random matrix