
Showing total 102 results
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1. Mesolithic projectile variability along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe): Hunter-gatherer responses to repeated climate change at the beginning of the Holocene.

2. Mapping Europe into local climate zones.

3. Can data from disparate long-term fish monitoring programs be used to increase our understanding of regional and continental trends in large river assemblages?

4. Effects of climate change on a mutualistic coastal species: Recovery from typhoon damages and risks of population erosion.

5. An operational approach to high resolution agro-ecological zoning in West-Africa.

6. Niche shifts and the potential distribution of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) under climate change.

7. Incorporating Field Studies into Species Distribution and Climate Change Modelling: A Case Study of the Koomal Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus (Phalangeridae).

8. Stable isotope and dental caries data reveal abrupt changes in subsistence economy in ancient China in response to global climate change.

9. Trait-based plant ecology a flawed tool in climate studies? The leaf traits of wild olive that pattern with climate are not those routinely measured.

10. Climate drivers of malaria at its southern fringe in the Americas.

11. Climate change impacts on aflatoxin B1 in maize and aflatoxin M1 in milk: A case study of maize grown in Eastern Europe and imported to the Netherlands.

12. Potential distribution of dominant malaria vector species in tropical region under climate change scenarios.

13. Climate change will reduce suitable Caatinga dry forest habitat for endemic plants with disproportionate impacts on specialized reproductive strategies.

14. Vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change: The development of a pan-tropical Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment to inform sub-national decision making.

15. Urban and semi-urban mosquitoes of Mexico City: A risk for endemic mosquito-borne disease transmission.

16. Potential impacts of climate-related decline of seafood harvest on nutritional status of coastal First Nations in British Columbia, Canada.

17. Can mowing restore boreal rich-fen vegetation in the face of climate change?

18. Tree rings as a proxy for seasonal precipitation variability and Early Neolithic settlement dynamics in Bavaria, Germany.

19. Habitat restoration opportunities, climatic niche contraction, and conservation biogeography in California's San Joaquin Desert.

20. Using climate envelope models to identify potential ecological trajectories on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

21. Assessing the vulnerability of freshwater fishes to climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

22. A scoping review of published literature on chikungunya virus.

23. A new method for modelling biological invasions from early spread data accounting for anthropogenic dispersal.

24. Reducing Wallacean shortfalls for the coralsnakes of the Micrurus lemniscatus species complex: Present and future distributions under a changing climate.

25. Predicted distribution of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi on the Scotian Shelf and its persistence in the face of climatic variability.

26. Effect of climate change on spring wheat yields in North America and Eurasia in 1981-2015 and implications for breeding.

27. Threat of establishment of non-indigenous potato blackleg and tuber soft rot pathogens in Great Britain under climate change.

28. Variations in climatic suitability and planting regionalization for potato in northern China under climate change.

29. Identification of a contact zone and hybridization for two subspecies of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) within a single protected area.

30. Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission dynamics in Korea.

31. Ligament, hinge, and shell cross-sections of the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima): Promising marine environmental archives in NE North America.

32. Impact of climate variability on the transmission risk of malaria in northern Côte d'Ivoire.

33. Living with marginal coral communities: Diversity and host-specificity in coral-associated barnacles in the northern coral distribution limit of the East China Sea.

34. Understanding the dynamics in distribution of invasive alien plant species under predicted climate change in Western Himalaya.

35. Characterization of cocoa production, income diversification and shade tree management along a climate gradient in Ghana.

36. Thermal physiology of Amazonian lizards (Reptilia: Squamata).

37. Climate change and the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) population in Baja California, Mexico.

38. Climatic shocks associate with innovation in science and technology.

39. Extracting coherent tree-ring climatic signals across spatial scales from extensive forest inventory data.

40. Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador.

41. Climate change influences on the potential geographic distribution of the disease vector tick Ixodes ricinus.

42. Potential worldwide distribution of Fusarium dry root rot in common beans based on the optimal environment for disease occurrence.

43. Assessing the combined effects of climatic factors on spring wheat phenophase and grain yield in Inner Mongolia, China.

44. Modeling the impacts of climate change and technical progress on the wheat yield in inland China: An autoregressive distributed lag approach.

45. Incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts.

46. Spatially explicit multi-threat assessment of food tree species in Burkina Faso: A fine-scale approach.

47. Apparent climate-mediated loss and fragmentation of core habitat of the American pika in the Northern Sierra Nevada, California, USA.

48. The impact of tree age on biomass growth and carbon accumulation capacity: A retrospective analysis using tree ring data of three tropical tree species grown in natural forests of Suriname.

49. Projected climate change threatens pollinators and crop production in Brazil.

50. Simulated bat populations erode when exposed to climate change projections for western North America.