
Showing total 78 results
78 results

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1. A modeling study of budding yeast colony formation and its relationship to budding pattern and aging.

2. A Bayesian framework for the analysis of systems biology models of the brain.

3. Predicting B cell receptor substitution profiles using public repertoire data.

4. Minimal model of interictal and ictal discharges “Epileptor-2”.

5. Correcting for batch effects in case-control microbiome studies.

6. Gamma Synchronization Influences Map Formation Time in a Topological Model of Spatial Learning.

7. Machine Learning Meta-analysis of Large Metagenomic Datasets: Tools and Biological Insights.

8. Neighborhood Regularized Logistic Matrix Factorization for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction.

9. Dynamical compensation and structural identifiability of biological models: Analysis, implications, and reconciliation.

10. Time scales and wave formation in non-linear spatial public goods games.

11. Network trade-offs and homeostasis in Arabidopsis shoot architectures.

12. The FACTS model of speech motor control: Fusing state estimation and task-based control.

13. Robustness of respiratory rhythm generation across dynamic regimes.

14. Propagation of orientation selectivity in a spiking network model of layered primary visual cortex.

15. Dimensionality in recurrent spiking networks: Global trends in activity and local origins in connectivity.

16. With an eye on uncertainty: Modelling pupillary responses to environmental volatility.

17. Perturbing low dimensional activity manifolds in spiking neuronal networks.

18. Parameter estimation and identifiability in a neural population model for electro-cortical activity.

19. Exon level machine learning analyses elucidate novel candidate miRNA targets in an avian model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

20. Computational geometry for modeling neural populations: From visualization to simulation.

21. STRFs in primary auditory cortex emerge from masking-based statistics of natural sounds.

22. Multiscale computational model of Achilles tendon wound healing: Untangling the effects of repair and loading.

23. Systematically benchmarking peptide-MHC binding predictors: From synthetic to naturally processed epitopes.

24. meaRtools: An R package for the analysis of neuronal networks recorded on microelectrode arrays.

25. Multivariate classification of neuroimaging data with nested subclasses: Biased accuracy and implications for hypothesis testing.

26. Robust spatial memory maps encoded by networks with transient connections.

27. A simple computer vision pipeline reveals the effects of isolation on social interaction dynamics in Drosophila.

28. Identification of excitatory-inhibitory links and network topology in large-scale neuronal assemblies from multi-electrode recordings.

29. Can a time varying external drive give rise to apparent criticality in neural systems?

30. Design of optimal nonlinear network controllers for Alzheimer's disease.

31. Community-based benchmarking improves spike rate inference from two-photon calcium imaging data.

32. RosettaAntibodyDesign (RAbD): A general framework for computational antibody design.

33. Cox-nnet: An artificial neural network method for prognosis prediction of high-throughput omics data.

34. Brain-state invariant thalamo-cortical coordination revealed by non-linear encoders.

35. Across-subjects classification of stimulus modality from human MEG high frequency activity.

36. Bat detective—Deep learning tools for bat acoustic signal detection.

37. A dynamical systems approach for estimating phase interactions between rhythms of different frequencies from experimental data.

38. Firing rate equations require a spike synchrony mechanism to correctly describe fast oscillations in inhibitory networks.

39. Object detection through search with a foveated visual system.

40. Limited synapse overproduction can speed development but sometimes with long-term energy and discrimination penalties.

41. A stochastic-field description of finite-size spiking neural networks.

42. FIMTrack: An open source tracking and locomotion analysis software for small animals.

43. Probabilistic fluorescence-based synapse detection.

44. On the stability and dynamics of stochastic spiking neuron models: Nonlinear Hawkes process and point process GLMs.

45. Self-organised criticality in the evolution of a thermodynamic model of rodent thermoregulatory huddling.

46. The Hamiltonian Brain: Efficient Probabilistic Inference with Excitatory-Inhibitory Neural Circuit Dynamics.

47. Encoding in Balanced Networks: Revisiting Spike Patterns and Chaos in Stimulus-Driven Systems.

48. Scaling Properties of Dimensionality Reduction for Neural Populations and Network Models.

49. Machine Learning for Characterization of Insect Vector Feeding.

50. High-Frequency Resonance in the Gerbil Medial Superior Olive.