
Showing total 10 results
10 results

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1. LMTRDA: Using logistic model tree to predict MiRNA-disease associations by fusing multi-source information of sequences and similarities.

2. A data-driven interactome of synergistic genes improves network-based cancer outcome prediction.

3. SFPEL-LPI: Sequence-based feature projection ensemble learning for predicting LncRNA-protein interactions.

4. Predicting B cell receptor substitution profiles using public repertoire data.

5. Clusternomics: Integrative context-dependent clustering for heterogeneous datasets.

6. ESPRIT-Forest: Parallel clustering of massive amplicon sequence data in subquadratic time.

7. Likelihood-Based Inference of B Cell Clonal Families.

8. Quorum-Sensing Synchronization of Synthetic Toggle Switches: A Design Based on Monotone Dynamical Systems Theory.

9. Dynamical Allocation of Cellular Resources as an Optimal Control Problem: Novel Insights into Microbial Growth Strategies.

10. A Scalable Computational Framework for Establishing Long-Term Behavior of Stochastic Reaction Networks.