
Showing total 184 results
184 results

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1. A modeling study of budding yeast colony formation and its relationship to budding pattern and aging.

2. Even a good influenza forecasting model can benefit from internet-based nowcasts, but those benefits are limited.

3. Identifying nonlinear dynamical systems via generative recurrent neural networks with applications to fMRI.

4. A Bayesian framework for the analysis of systems biology models of the brain.

5. LMTRDA: Using logistic model tree to predict MiRNA-disease associations by fusing multi-source information of sequences and similarities.

6. A numerical approach for a discrete Markov model for progressing drug resistance of cancer.

7. A data-driven interactome of synergistic genes improves network-based cancer outcome prediction.

8. Predicting B cell receptor substitution profiles using public repertoire data.

9. A minimally invasive neurostimulation method for controlling abnormal synchronisation in the neuronal activity.

10. Minimal model of interictal and ictal discharges “Epileptor-2”.

11. Simulations to benchmark time-varying connectivity methods for fMRI.

12. Correcting for batch effects in case-control microbiome studies.

13. A phylogenetic method to perform genome-wide association studies in microbes that accounts for population structure and recombination.

14. PCSF: An R-package for network-based interpretation of high-throughput data.

15. Gamma Synchronization Influences Map Formation Time in a Topological Model of Spatial Learning.

16. Machine Learning Meta-analysis of Large Metagenomic Datasets: Tools and Biological Insights.

17. Neighborhood Regularized Logistic Matrix Factorization for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction.

18. Dynamical compensation and structural identifiability of biological models: Analysis, implications, and reconciliation.

19. The limitations, dangers, and benefits of simple methods for testing identifiability

20. A numerical approach for a discrete Markov model for progressing drug resistance of cancer

21. Estimating influenza incidence using search query deceptiveness and generalized ridge regression.

22. On measuring selection in cancer from subclonal mutation frequencies.

23. Time scales and wave formation in non-linear spatial public goods games.

24. Fast and near-optimal monitoring for healthcare acquired infection outbreaks.

25. EMULSION: Transparent and flexible multiscale stochastic models in human, animal and plant epidemiology.

26. Network trade-offs and homeostasis in Arabidopsis shoot architectures.

27. The FACTS model of speech motor control: Fusing state estimation and task-based control.

28. Executable pathway analysis using ensemble discrete-state modeling for large-scale data.

29. Benchmarking network propagation methods for disease gene identification.

30. Predicting kinase inhibitors using bioactivity matrix derived informer sets.

31. Robustness of respiratory rhythm generation across dynamic regimes.

32. Propagation of orientation selectivity in a spiking network model of layered primary visual cortex.

33. Dimensionality in recurrent spiking networks: Global trends in activity and local origins in connectivity.

34. With an eye on uncertainty: Modelling pupillary responses to environmental volatility.

35. Energetic costs of cellular and therapeutic control of stochastic mitochondrial DNA populations.

36. DeepConv-DTI: Prediction of drug-target interactions via deep learning with convolution on protein sequences.

37. Perturbing low dimensional activity manifolds in spiking neuronal networks.

38. Parameter estimation and identifiability in a neural population model for electro-cortical activity.

39. Epidemic prevalence information on social networks can mediate emergent collective outcomes in voluntary vaccine schemes.

40. Efficient algorithms to discover alterations with complementary functional association in cancer.

41. Noise-precision tradeoff in predicting combinations of mutations and drugs.

42. Ten simple rules for carrying out and writing meta-analyses.

43. The statistics of epidemic transitions.

44. Exon level machine learning analyses elucidate novel candidate miRNA targets in an avian model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

45. Prediction of VRC01 neutralization sensitivity by HIV-1 gp160 sequence features.

46. A spatio-temporal individual-based network framework for West Nile virus in the USA: Spreading pattern of West Nile virus.

47. Myopic control of neural dynamics.

48. A dynamic power-law sexual network model of gonorrhoea outbreaks.

49. An enriched network motif family regulates multistep cell fate transitions with restricted reversibility.

50. Computational geometry for modeling neural populations: From visualization to simulation.