
Showing total 47 results
47 results

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1. Enzyme sequestration by the substrate: An analysis in the deterministic and stochastic domains.

2. SFPEL-LPI: Sequence-based feature projection ensemble learning for predicting LncRNA-protein interactions.

3. Predicting B cell receptor substitution profiles using public repertoire data.

4. PCSF: An R-package for network-based interpretation of high-throughput data.

5. Accurate De Novo Prediction of Protein Contact Map by Ultra-Deep Learning Model.

6. Quorum-Sensing Synchronization of Synthetic Toggle Switches: A Design Based on Monotone Dynamical Systems Theory.

7. Neighborhood Regularized Logistic Matrix Factorization for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction.

8. Predicting kinase inhibitors using bioactivity matrix derived informer sets.

9. Disease gene prediction for molecularly uncharacterized diseases.

10. Energetic costs of cellular and therapeutic control of stochastic mitochondrial DNA populations.

11. DeepConv-DTI: Prediction of drug-target interactions via deep learning with convolution on protein sequences.

12. Horizontal transfer between loose compartments stabilizes replication of fragmented ribozymes.

13. Prediction of VRC01 neutralization sensitivity by HIV-1 gp160 sequence features.

14. CoPhosK: A method for comprehensive kinase substrate annotation using co-phosphorylation analysis.

15. Allosteric mechanism of the circadian protein Vivid resolved through Markov state model and machine learning analysis.

16. Multiscale computational model of Achilles tendon wound healing: Untangling the effects of repair and loading.

17. Systematically benchmarking peptide-MHC binding predictors: From synthetic to naturally processed epitopes.

18. Maintaining maximal metabolic flux by gene expression control.

19. Co-evolution networks of HIV/HCV are modular with direct association to structure and function.

20. Rare-event sampling of epigenetic landscapes and phenotype transitions.

21. Systematic interrogation of diverse Omic data reveals interpretable, robust, and generalizable transcriptomic features of clinically successful therapeutic targets.

22. RosettaAntibodyDesign (RAbD): A general framework for computational antibody design.

23. Memory functions reveal structural properties of gene regulatory networks.

24. Vicus: Exploiting local structures to improve network-based analysis of biological data.

25. Identifying parameter regions for multistationarity.

26. Computational-experimental approach to drug-target interaction mapping: A case study on kinase inhibitors.

27. TopologyNet: Topology based deep convolutional and multi-task neural networks for biomolecular property predictions.

28. Reduction of multiscale stochastic biochemical reaction networks using exact moment derivation.

29. From elementary flux modes to elementary flux vectors: Metabolic pathway analysis with arbitrary linear flux constraints.

30. Computation and measurement of cell decision making errors using single cell data.

31. Chemical Reaction Network Theory elucidates sources of multistability in interferon signaling.

32. Dynamics robustness of cascading systems.

33. m6A-Driver: Identifying Context-Specific mRNA m6A Methylation-Driven Gene Interaction Networks.

34. Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the Gap between the Computational Expert and the Biologist.

35. Learning to Predict miRNA-mRNA Interactions from AGO CLIP Sequencing and CLASH Data.

36. Bayesian Top-Down Protein Sequence Alignment with Inferred Position-Specific Gap Penalties.

37. Enzyme Sequestration as a Tuning Point in Controlling Response Dynamics of Signalling Networks.

38. Identifying Network Perturbation in Cancer.

39. Stability of Ensemble Models Predicts Productivity of Enzymatic Systems.

40. A Multi-Method Approach for Proteomic Network Inference in 11 Human Cancers.

41. Non-monotonic Response to Monotonic Stimulus: Regulation of Glyoxylate Shunt Gene-Expression Dynamics in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

42. 2018 ISCB Innovator Award recognizes M. Madan Babu.

43. Modulation of Elementary Calcium Release Mediates a Transition from Puffs to Waves in an IP3R Cluster Model.

44. Improved Contact Predictions Using the Recognition of Protein Like Contact Patterns.

45. Phosphate Sink Containing Two-Component Signaling Systems as Tunable Threshold Devices.

46. A Micellar On-Pathway Intermediate Step Explains the Kinetics of Prion Amyloid Formation.

47. Knowledge-based Fragment Binding Prediction.